Good catches return as water levels ease.
The river Tay in Perthshire Scotland continued to catch spring salmon at the end of last week despite continued unsettled weather. Catches returned as water levels at last receded after yet more mild weather and heavy rain. A run of spring salmon continued on the river as the water cleared and eased a bit. Most of the catch still came from Linn pool down but on Saturday more were caught further up river giving the middle beats renewed optimism for the coming week as fish spread in the system. The catches were especially heartening after the prolonged bad weather but were also better than last year for the time so hopefully it is a sign of another great spring for the river if the weather relents.
This past week saw massive water most of the week due to mild weather caused by a large snowmelt and heavy rain. Conditions at last started to ease from Thursday and 22 spring salmon were registered mainly from the lower beats with others caught as well but not registered.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 1st March)
SALMON & GRILSE: Waulkmill 1, Upper Redgorton 1, Catholes Stanley 1, Upper Scone 4, Catholes Campsie 1, Stobhall 4, Taymount 3, Cargill 1, Islamouth 2, Upper Islamouth and Meikleour 3, Glendelvine 1.
Total: 22 Largest: Islamouth 23lbs
The lower river around Stanley started to fish well from Thursday with the Linn pool again proving the place for Stobhall and Taymount.

Harry and John Collins had a good day on Friday landing 3 cracking fish up to 16 pounds on the Taymount beat. On Catholes Charles Savage on a fleeting visit caught a fresh 8 pounds spring salmon from the Woodside and lost another 2 in a day.
On Saturday Danny Fulton landed a 10 pounds salmon from the boat in the Back Dam. The Upper Scone rods had a superb Saturday landing 4 springers from the Pitlochrie beat.

Retired Ghillie, Jimmy Barrett enjoyed success with his son,

Scott landing 2 beauties from the Wash House and Tarr Tank at the Stanley Mills. Meanwhile up in Pitlochrie pool John Dewar and his friend landed a couple as well.
Some of the lower beats gained success last week as well.

On Upper Redgorton Greggor Nimmo caught a lovely 14 pounds salmon from the boat on Saturday and Waulkmill also registered their first fish of the season.
Further up river the Islamouth beats started to catch as the water relented.

Rory Campbell caught a fresh 12.5 pounds salmon on Friday from the boat then Meikleour accounted for 3 good fish on Saturday. Islamouth also caught the largest fish of the week weighing 23 pounds as salmon started to run. Cargil had their first fish of the season landed by David Fotheringham weighing 8 pounds.
The Tay Ghillies Association has launched a FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter.
• Catch a good Tay Salmon
• Weigh it carefully and photograph it with as little handling as possible.
• Verify with Ghillie
• Safely return the fish with a minimum of handling
• TGA Committee decision is final
Send entries with a photo and verification details to:-
Mike Hay, Sec of Tay Ghillies Assoc.
Mobile: 07762 464407
The Spring Salmon fishing has well and truly kicked off with renewed optimism and some notable catches, let us hope this is a taste of what is to come and the weather settles down further to maintain it all.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.
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