Tay spring season kicks off with a bang this past week.
The river Tay opened in January undeterred by the dreich conditions, however the unsettled conditions continued over the last few weeks making spring fishing impossible on several days. Around 30 spring salmon were landed on the river in those first few days making it a good start to the 2014 season. The catches have suddenly started again as this past week with better conditions on at least 4 out of the 6 days. A run of spring salmon appeared on the lower river as the water cleared and eased a bit but interestingly the bulk of the catch came from Linn pool down to Benchil with only a few other fish from the system. These beats are still at the mercy of the weather as on a couple of days muddy water came from the Isla curtailing sport. The Linn pool on Stobhall and Taymount, Burnmouth, Catholes, Pitlochrie and Benchil all have good high water spring pools and they all produced salmon. The catches were especially heartening after the prolonged bad weather but were also better than last year for the time so hopefully it is a sign of another great spring for the river.
This past week saw a dramatic increase in catches at long last encouraging everyone on the river. The high cold water has given the lower river around Stanley ideal conditions and the bulk of the catch came from 5 beats that have good high water pools. The salmon seemed have run up the river and as they hit the increase in gradient causing the rapids around Stanley they slowed down and were caught in reasonable numbers for the tome of year. The Linn Pool, Burnmouth, Catholes, Pitlochrie Pool, Wash House, Aitkenhead, Ship Linn and White Craigs were all notorious spring pools on the lower Tay and this was proved this past week. Out of 43 salmon registered 36 came from these spots and others were caught as well but not registered. Other salmon were caught in the system as some fish continue to run and salmon are being caught in Loch Tay but not being registered.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 15th February)
SALMON & GRILSE: Benchil 2, Catholes Stanley 1, Upper Scone 9, Pitlochrie 9, Catholes Campsie 3, Stobhall 2, Taymount 10, Murthly 1 2, Glendelvine 1, Murthly 2 2, Upper Kinnaird 3.
Total: 44 Largest: Upper Scone 22lbs
The lower river around Stanley fished very well last week on the 4 days the water was clear. Stobhall and Taymount have been enjoying good sport from the Linn pool throughout the week.

Steven Watt enjoyed a good day on Stobhall landing 2 spring salmon on Tuesday then followed it up with a lovely fish in the Woodside of the Catholes on Wednesday.

On Taymount Stewart Voce had a tremendous week landing several salmon up to 17 pounds mostly from the Linn including 4 in one day. Catholes caught as well with the Woodside and Back Dam being the favoured high water pools. On the Stanley beat Pitlochrie pool was the hot spot landing several salmon throughout the week.
On Monday the boat accounted for 4 fish from the pool with Steve McGrandles enjoying the sport. Later in the week spinning from the bank with Tobies was the favoured method with Jason Stratton, Dougie Wangert and John Morrison landing good fish on the Scone bank. The Thomas party on Upper Scone enjoyed a good week landing 6 from the Pitlochrie beat on Tuesday with Brian Corn, Guy Oliver, Phil Thomas and

Philip Gibson all enjoying success mostly from the Wash House. Dougie Wangert also caught a good salmon from the Wash House and later in the week Andrew Steven landed his first ever salmon from the boat at Stanley Mills on his second visit to the river. At Benchil John Bennett caught 2 springers up to 17 pounds on Tuesday then

Philip Gibson caught the fish of the week from Ship Linn weighing 22 pounds on Upper Scone with Aitken Head fishing well also.
Further up river the Murthly beats got their season going with 3 salmon including a sea liced fish from Tony Blacks beat proving fish were running hard despite the big water. Glendelvine also had a superb 17 pounds springer on Saturday. Upper Kinnaird also caught during the week with 3 salmon landed. Loch Tay has been catching salmon as well but not registering on Fishtay. Fish’n’trips have had a few including a 17 pounds fish on Friday proving salmon are running up the system.
The Tay Ghillies Association has launched a FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter.
• Catch a good Tay Salmon
• Weigh it carefully and photograph it with as little handling as possible.
• Verify with Ghillie
• Safely return the fish with a minimum of handling
• TGA Committee decision is final
Send entries with a photo and verification details to:-
Mike Hay, Sec of Tay Ghillies Assoc.
Mobile: 07762 464407
Email: tayhayurg@gmail.com
The Spring Salmon fishing has well and truly kicked off this last week with renewed optimism and some notable catches, let us hope this is a taste of what is to come and the weather settles down further to maintain it all.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on robert.salmonfishing@googlemail.com to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.
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