Thursday, April 30, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Sea Trout Fishing on the Tay 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Sea Trout Fishing on the Tay 2009.

The summer permit fishing at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland has started this week.
All ready a couple of sea trout have been caught by James McKay and Bob Hunter. There has been quite a bit of rain to freshen the river up which has improved the prospects.

This was a fine sea trout caught recently by Ranald Hutton which was carefully returned to the river.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Top Quality Salar Salmon Flies.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Top Quality Salar Salmon Flies.

These flies are now available in smaller sizes. The salar Raider and Carron Shrimps are now available in 13's and 15's which should give you a greater armory in low water and in smaller rivers. They are available in the salmon fly shop.

The Carron Shrimp.

The Tay Raider.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Large Atlantic Spring Salmon caught on the river Tay April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Large Atlantic Spring Salmon caught on the river Tay April 2009.

This was a magnificent 27 pounds spring salmon caught on the Cargil beat of the Tay today in Perthshire, Scotland.
This prize salmon was caught by Bryn Hughes from Wales on a flying C. Pictured is Scottish ghillie David Godfrey who is chairman of the Tay Ghillies Association.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.

Tay Reports

Weekly Report for week ending 25th April 2009.
Last week reported 59 spring salmon which was a reasonable catch for a week despite low water conditions. The river rose on Saturday by about 5 to 7 inches due to a hydro rise from Pitlochry. There were again salmon reported from all over the district which was very positive for this coming week. There were other fish caught and not reported. Best salmon of the week was a 28lbs salmon off the Portnacraig beat at Pitlochry caught by John Denholm on a spinner. Also 4 salmon were caught on single days by Lower Kinnaird, Dunkeld House and Islamouth beats during the past week.
The spring fishing has ended on the lower river below Stanley for this season and the summer permits start from Monday.
The river temperature rose to 52/53 degrees Fahrenheit or 11/12 degrees Celsius allowing salmon to run freely throughout the system and bring on the floating line fishing for fly fishers.

The river was settled for the week making conditions excellent for spring fishing despite being on the low side. This coming week conditions are more unsettled which should bring some fresh water and encourage catches assuming the run strengthens.

If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on

John Denholm returning his 28 pounds spring salmon from the Portnacraig beat at Pitlochry.

Prospects for the week commencing 27th April 2009.
As of Monday morning the prospects on the Tay look good however there is the prospect of some unsettled weather this coming week. This can only freshen the river and encourage salmon to run as the river is running quite low after last week.

The water temperature is about 52/53 degrees Fahrenheit or 11/12 degrees Celsius which should encourage the progress of salmon up the system. These conditions are certainly benefiting the middle and Upper River.
There is good availability throughout the river so why not have a go.

As to methods, the river is settled and at a good height, the most likely method of catching a Springer in the Tay this week will favour all methods with settled water. There will certainly be good conditions for fly fishing with a higher river temperature now encouraging floating lines. Spinning from boat and bank are also favoured. Harling remains a popular method on the Tay.

Finally all anglers are reminded that the Tay's policy for spring 2009 is that every angler should release the first salmon caught each day, and then no more than one Springer should be taken per day. Spring salmon are a precious resource. Please do what you can to ensure their numbers are allowed to conserve them and produce more spring salmon for the future.

If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Fly Fishing for Spring Salmon at Stanley on the Tay April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Fly Fishing for Spring Salmon at Stanley on the Tay April 2009.

Spring Fly fishing on the Catholes beat of the Tay at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.
This is Tom Herd fly fishing in the Gean Tree pool at the top of the Catholes.

This is John Okell fly fishing in the Catholes steam.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland April 2009 Spring Fishing on the Tay.

Salmon Fishing Scotland April 2009 Spring Fishing on the Tay.

Spring fly fishing on the Catholes beat of the Tay at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.
We have had some fantastic weather over the past few days and it has been ideal for fly fishing on the river. The river has dropped to a good height for wading and made it easier to cover the vastness of the Tay. The river temperature has risen as well to around 48 degrees which should signal the use of floating lines and sink tips.
When the river temperature rises on the lower Tay the salmon tend to bolt on through the lower reaches to the middle and upper river.
The Spring fishing ends on the lower Tay this weekend.

This is a view of the lower end of the Catholes beat from the left bank looking down stream.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.

Tay Reports

Weekly Report for week ending 18th April 2009.
Last week reported 87 spring salmon which is the best catch for a week this season so far. There were again salmon reported from all over the district which was very positive for this coming week. There were other fish caught and not reported. Best salmon of the week was a 25lbs salmon off the Taymount beat just above Stanley. Also 5 salmon were caught in on Thursday on the Islamouth beat which was the best catch for one day on the river last week.
Just reported today was a 28lbs salmon from the Portnacraig beat at Pitlochry plus a good river catch making thing look very good for the rest of the week.
The river temperature rose to 47 degrees Fahrenheit or 7/8 degrees Celsius allowing salmon to run freely throughout the system.

The river was settled for the week making conditions excellent for spring fishing. This coming week conditions are more settled which should not deter catches assuming the spring run strengthens as expected.

Prospects for the week commencing 20th April 2009.
As of Monday morning the prospects on the Tay look good with a settled river and settled weather which should encourage good catches for the coming week. The spring run has improved but settled conditions should make it better.

The water temperature is about 47 degrees Fahrenheit or 7/8 degrees Celsius which should not impede the progress of salmon up the system. These conditions are certainly benefiting the middle and upper river.
There is good availability throughout the river so why not have a go.

As to methods, the river is settled and at a good height, the most likely method of catching a Springer in the Tay this week will favour all methods with settled water. There will certainly be good conditions for fly fishing with a higher river temperature. Spinning from boat and bank are also favoured. Harling remains a popular method on the Tay.

Finally all anglers are reminded that the Tay's policy for spring 2009 is that every angler should release the first salmon caught each day, and then no more than one Springer should be taken per day. Spring salmon are a precious resource. Please do what you can to ensure their numbers are allowed to conserve them and produce more spring salmon for the future.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Catching Spring Salmon Fly Fishing.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Catching Spring Salmon Fly Fishing.

Ian Kettles from Houston with a fresh run spring salmon caught fly fishing from the boat on the Catholes beat of the Tay at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland in the Black stones pool. The salmon was carefully released back to the river.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Catching Big Spring Salmon Fly Fishing in Scotland.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Catching Big Spring Salmon Fly Fishing in Scotland.

This was a 25 pounds spring salmon caught on the Park beat of the Dee to day (20th April 2009) by Steven Hogg from Edinburgh. Steven caught this prize spring salmon fly fishing from the bank on a size 12 fly and released it back to the river. Steven comes down to fish the Stanley beats of the Tay as well. Well done Steven on a memorable day for you.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Fly Fishing for Spring Salmon at Stanley on the Tay April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Fly Fishing for Spring Salmon at Stanley on the Tay April 2009.

This was Brian Shaw from the Ayrshire rivers fly fishing on the Tay at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Summer Salmon Fishing on the Tay at Stanley.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Summer Salmon Fishing on the Tay at Stanley.

Stanley Fishings Summer Permit Details 2009

Benchil/Pitlochrie Beats
Salmon and Sea Trout Permit
27th April to 4th July 2009 plus an extention from 6th July to 25th July on Catholes/Luncarty Beats (13 Weeks)
Total Cost £250

Benchil/Pitlochrie Beats
Sea Trout Permit
4th May to 4th July 2009 (9 weeks)
Fly Fishing with 11’3 Trout Rod Max
Total cost £75

Luncarty/Catholes Beats
Salmon and Sea Trout Permit.
27th April to 25th July 2009 (13 Weeks)
Total cost £120

Luncarty Beat
Salmon and Sea Trout Permit.
27th April to 25th July 2009 (13 Weeks)
Total cost £75.00

Luncarty/Catholes Beats
Sea Trout Permit
4th May to 4th July 2009 (9 weeks)
Fly Fishing with 11’3 Trout Rod Max
Total cost £60

Catholes Beat
Salmon and Sea Trout Permit
27th April to 25th July 2009 (13 Weeks)
Total cost £120.00

For further details contact:-
Robert J White Tel: 01738 827416 Mob: 07979528134
Stanley fishings Email:
C/O Benchil View
Perth Road
Perth PH1 4NQ
Or log on to the beat web sites:

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon caught Fly Fishing on the Tay.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon caught Fly Fishing on the Tay.

This was Freddie Braithwaite Exley with a lovely fresh Tay spring salmon caught from the Horsey pool of the Pitlochrie beat at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland fly fishing from the bank. The 10 pounds sea liced salmon took one of his own tied Golden Gunns and after a photograph the salmon was carefully returned to the river.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring April 2009.

This is Caroline Seaton with her first ever Tay salmon caught in the famous Pitlochrie pool on the Upper Scone beat of the lower Tay at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland. The fresh salmon was caught on a Toby salmo fished from the boat and expertly guided by her husband Scottish Ghillie David Seaton.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.
Tay Reports

Weekly Report for week ending 11th April 2009.
Last week reported 37 spring salmon. There were again salmon reported from all over the district which was very positive for this coming week. There were other fish caught and not reported. Best salmon of the week was a 25lbs salmon off the Pitlochry Angling Club beat at Portnacraig caught by Jimmy Forbes on a devon and for good measure he caught a 24lbs spring salmon on the same day at Pitlochry. That day rendered 4 salmon off the beat which certainly was the highlight of a difficult week on the Tay system.
The river temperature rose to 45 degrees Fahrenheit or 6/7 degrees Celsius allowing salmon to run freely throughout the system.

The river was very unsettled for the end of the week making conditions difficult for spring fishing. This coming week conditions are more settled which should not deter catches assuming the spring run strengthens as expected.

Jimmy Forbes with the 25 pounds spring salmon he caught at Pitlochry dam on Saturday spinning a devon from the bank. That was Jimmy's second spring salmon of the day. Earlier he caught a 24 pounds salmon. Congratulations to Jimmy for having such a wonderful day but even better he returned both prize spring salmon to the river. This was the catch of the Tay season so far for 2009.

Prospects for the week commencing 13th April 2009.
As of Monday morning the prospects on the Tay look good with a settled river and settled weather which should encourage good catches for the coming week. The spring run has improved but settled conditions it should get better.

The water temperature is about 45 degrees Fahrenheit or 6/7 degrees Celsius which should not impede the progress of salmon up the system.
There is good availability throughout the river so why not have a go.

As to methods, the river is settled and at a good height, the most likely method of catching a Springer in the Tay this week will favour all methods with settled water. There will certainly be good conditions for fly fishing with a higher river temperature and spinning from boat and bank. Harling or on some beats spinning from the bank remains a favoured method on the Tay.

Finally all anglers are reminded that the Tay's policy for spring 2009 is that every angler should release the first salmon caught each day, and then no more than one Springer should be taken per day. Spring salmon are a precious resource. Please do what you can to ensure their numbers are allowed to conserve them and produce more spring salmon for the future.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing on the Tummel April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing on the Tummel April 2009.

Outstanding April day on the Tummel at Pitlochry Dam.

Today was a fantastic day on the Tummel on the Pitlochry Angling club stretch at Pitlochry Dam in Perthshire, Scotland for Steve McGrandles and Jimmy Forbes from Denny. They caught 4 lovely fresh Spring salmon spinning and fly fishing from the bank and 3 of the salmon were 20 pounds and over.

Firstly Stevie McGrandles caught this 20 pounds spring salmon fly fishing from the town bank first thing in the morning. The salmon was carefully returned to the river.

Jimmy Forbes then caught a 24 pounds prize spring salmon spinning a devon from the bank on the town side of the river. After a lengthy struggle the fish was landed and returned to the river. Stevie and Jim changed banks at lunch time and it was not long until Jim hooked and landed this prize 25 pounds springer from the Theatre bank again on a devon. After the fish was landed it was carefully returned.

A closer look at this multi sea winter spring salmon.

Not to be out done Stevie finished the day with a lovely 9 pounds sea liced spring salmon fly fishing from the Green bank.
A truly memorable day.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Salmon Fishing Paintings.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Salmon Fishing Paintings.

This is a painting by Alistair Makinson of the top of Pitlochrie pool on the Stanley beats at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland. Alistair does commissions such as the one shown and 15 percent of the proceeds would go to the Tay Ghillies Association for work such as habitat improvement on the Tay system.
For further details in Alistair's work click here.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland April 2009.

This is Tim Greenfields party from Canterbury at our Catholes hut with Scottish Ghillies Geordie Stewart and myself on the Catholes beat of the lower Tay at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland today (08/04/2009). We were washed of the river today with rising water but conditions should be much better tomorrow.

John Hartley from Yorkshire fly fishing in the Horsey pool on the Pitlochrie beat.

Jed trying the "Alley" one handed spey cast in Cawn pore.

Andy fly fishing in Cawn pore in front of Stanley Mills.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing April 2009.

This is Frank Mullar playing a salmon in the Horsey pool of the Pitlochrie beat at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland last Autumn.
Frank is back here this week trying for a Tay spring salmon and lightening struck for him again in the Horsey pool where he landed a fresh spring salmon of about 7 pounds on a Toby. Frank carefully returned the salmon to the river.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland River Tay Reports and Prospects April 2009.

Tay Reports

Weekly Report for week ending 4th April 2009.
Last week reported the best catch for the spring season with 53 spring salmon reported. There were again salmon reported from all over the district which was very positive for this coming week. There were other fish caught and not reported giving the Tay the best catch of the season so far. It would appear that the spring run is improving at long last and with some good 3 winter salmon in the river as well. Best salmon of the week was a 24lbs salmon off the Catholes beat at Stanley caught by Jim Brown. This was followed by a 23lbs salmon at Upper Kinnaird and a 22lbs salmon at Pitlochry dam again.
The river temperature rose to 44 degrees Fahrenheit or 6 degrees Celsius allowing salmon to run freely throughout the system.

The river was settled for most of the week making conditions ideal for spring fishing. This coming week conditions remain similar which should not deter catches assuming the spring run strengthens as expected.

Jim Brown with a cracking 24 pounds fresh spring salmon caught on the Catholes at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland spinning from the bank with a devon.

Alley Gowans with a 21.5 pounds spring salmon caught fly fishing at Pitlochry on the river Tummel.

Prospects for the week commencing 6th April 2009.
As of Monday morning the prospects on the Tay look good with a settled river however there is the prospect of some heavy rain which could deter catches. The spring run has improved but we expect it to get better. Hopefully the rain will not spoil the week.

The water temperature is about 44 degrees Fahrenheit or 6 degrees Celsius which should not impede the progress of salmon up the system.
There is good availability throughout the river so why not have a go.

As to methods, the river is settled and at a good height, the most likely method of catching a Springer in the Tay this week will favour all methods with settled water. There will certainly be good conditions for fly fishing and spinning from boat and bank. Harling or on some beats spinning from the bank remains a favoured method on the Tay.

Finally all anglers are reminded that the Tay's policy for spring 2009 is that every angler should release the first salmon caught each day, and then no more than one Springer should be taken per day. Spring salmon are a precious resource. Please do what you can to ensure their numbers are allowed to conserve them and produce more spring salmon for the future.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Fishing April 2009.

Craig Eriksen with a lovely fresh 10 pounds spring salmon caught from the boat in the long shot pool of the Benchil beat on the lower Tay below Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.

This was Craig's first ever Spring Salmon and it was carefully returned to the river.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Release at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Salmon Release at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.

Video of John Bolshaw releasing a 13 pounds spring salmon at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Catching Spring Salmon Fishing April 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Catching Spring Salmon Fishing April 2009.

John Bolshaw playing a good spring salmon from the boat after a titanic fight. The salmon was hooked on the other side of the river in the Wash house pool some 200 yards upstream before bolting down river. We followed it in the boat before landing it just above Cawn pore.

This was John's first Tay springer and it was caught on a toby. The fresh spring salmon weighed 13 pounds and was covered in sea lice. The salmon was carefully released after being photographed.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Fly Fishing for Atlantic Salmon 2009.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Spring Fly Fishing for Atlantic Salmon 2009.

Video of J Wastle fly fishing from the boat in front of Stanley Mills on the Pitlochrie beat of the lower Tay at Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland.

Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum.

Bargain Fishing Books and DVDs