The conditions on the Tay in Perthshire, Scotland were not good this past week with very heavy rain and very high water but catches were still achieved throughout the week but it must be said it has not been easy for many beats on the Tay. Hopefully a distinct autumnal feel and more settled weather for the last 4 days of the season will give us the conditions to encourage better sport on this marvelous river and spread it throughout the whole river. The fresh water will hopefully encourage a good run of fresher salmon to benefit all.
Some scenes from the Tay, Perthshire, Scotland in late October 2013.
Autumn is here with more water and better conditions this week hopefully to improve sport as has proved this season so far with some outstanding catches and numerous spring salmon registered in the Tay system above expectation, a few areas have had great summer and autumn catches so far due to excessive low water. Let us hope the sport can be maintained for the last 4 days of the season then it will go out with a positive note. The Tay is currently fishing reasonably well with slowly improving conditions after low warm water; salmon run this mighty river every day of the year due to its vast volume of water and is certainly a good destination to catch a salmon. The river offers a variety of possibilities for all standards of anglers with ghillies’ only too keen to teach the novices and this mighty river can produce a memorable salmon for the keen fly fisher. Levels have now risen and temperatures dropped to hopefully encourage more salmon to run the river and spread out. Pools can be easily covered from bank and boat with modern technology. Why not have a go and sample this magical river. The fishing is supreme and the scenery is not bad either. Currently the autumn colours on the trees are a sight to behold especially when you get a bit of sun. The Ospreys are long gone south but the Geese are arriving from the north and you could see an Otter or a Kingfisher darting past while you are in mid cast! It is true what they say, “ a salmon is a bonus!”
Beat catches reported
(week ending 26th October)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 25, Waulkmill 9, Lower Redgorton 13, Luncarty Summer and Autumn 5, Catholes Summer and Autumn 1, Upper Redgorton 12, Fishponds 9, Benchil and Pitlochrie 11, Upper Scone 7, Catholes 2, Burnmouth 1, Stobhall 3, Taymount 13, Ballathie 18, Cargill 25, Islamouth 9, Lower and Upper Islamouth 5, Upper Islamouth and Meikleour House 6, Meikleour House 7, Kercock 8, Murthly 1 17, Murthly 2 17, Newtyle 4, Dunkeld House 6, Dalmarnock 10, Dalguise 8, Upper Aberuthven 2.
Total: 253 Largest: Kercock 45lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 2, Upper Redgorton 2, Upper Aberuthven 3, Lower Aberuthven 3.
Total: 10 Largest: Upper Aberuthven & Lower Aberuthven 3lbs
Salmon have been caught throughout the system this past week including some autumn monsters encouraging everyone after rain and cooler temperatures.
The Lower River caught approximately 170 salmon for the week. The conditions over the last week made catches hard earned. Despite the water coming up Ballathie and Cargill still faired well during the week landing several salmon. Taymount and Stobhall also did well with Taymount adding to their excellent catch for the year. At Stanley Tim Greenfield’s party enjoyed reasonable success. Charles Savage landed a couple of sea liced fish in his visit. Guy Smedley landed his first ever salmon and Tim Greenfield caught a fish at 17 pounds.
On Saturday Mr and Mrs Bailie enjoyed success on the Pitlochrie beat landing a fish a piece. Upper Redgorton caught salmon up to 27 pounds with Bob Brittain and Steve Walker enjoying success. On Fishponds the Stormonts had enjoyable fishing under the guidance of Ian Kirk. Mrs Braithwaite-Exley caught a lovely fresh 10 pounds fish and

Louisa Stormont caught her first ever salmon weighing 14 pounds. Lower Redgorton and Waulkmill had good catches on some days and Almondmouth did well with a Sweedish party fairing well at the end of the week catching several salmon on the fly. The Stormont Angling Club continued to have success landing mostly fresh salmon being on the tidal limit.
On the Middle River around 77 salmon were registered and some good fresh salmon have been caught as well including fish up to over 30 pounds. This was the Dalguise report for the week made by Ghillie Stan Pelc. “The week started with rising water on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then more settled during Thursday and Friday and rising again on Saturday. The high water brought with it a lot of debris, including those dreaded autumnal leaves. Never the less, the hard effort paid off with a cracking 14lb fresh hen caught by Mike Stanners, Thursday it was Toni Kakkuri from Finland lands a 7lb coloured cock fish,
Friday brings 2 fish a 18lb coloured cock fish caught by Stephen Bett and an 8lb coloured hen caught by Steven Coll. Saturday was the most productive day, with 4 fish landed. Andy Kerr does it again, with fish of 16lb and 14lb caught in the morning from the Guay Pool, this was followed up by Simon Rutherford landing an 8lb hen, again from the Guay Pool. To round of the week, Dalguise Fishings photographer Chris Plank lands a cracking coloured cock fish of 20lb in the Bridge Pool. While out and about this week I certainly saw plenty of fish throughout the beat, both coloured and some very fresh fish that looked as if they were running hard.” Thanks Stan. Dalmarnock enjoyed a good week with salmon caught up to 27 pounds.

Belgium visitors caught their first ever salmon. Alan Dorrian caught 2 in a day and Jim Fisher landed a 14 pounds fish on the fly. On Dunkeld fish were landed up to 22 pounds including some fresh ones. Ian Strachan caught on the fly from the Ivy Tree pool.

Adrian Parr caught a lovely fresh fish in the same pool with Neil Turner landing a 21 pounds in the same area. Newtyle caught their share as well during the week. The Murthly beats also faired well having some notable days for the time of year. On Kercock Gary Harkin reported, “eight for the week, Mr Robin Batchelor had a 15lbs fish, Duncan Cambell had one at 17lbs, Dougie Mclean 22lbs, Scott Ramage, Mark Thomson also caught and the high light of the week was
Kenny Milne Jnr catching a 45lb fish.”
The Upper River is now closed.
The Tummel system is closed.
The Isla is closed.
The Earn registered 2 salmon from Aberuthven.
It was certainly a hard week for most with difficult conditions and reasonable catches on some beats, the river must hope for settled conditions to encourage salmon to run over the last few days and spread throughout the entire system. Please maintain the Catch and Release code for the river to protect our sport for the future.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.
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