The conditions on the Tay in Perthshire, Scotland changed yet again this past week with much colder water temperatures and catch improved by 50% but it must be said it has not been easy for many beats on the Tay. The Indian summer at last disappeared with a few morning frosts. Hopefully a distinct autumnal feel and a more unsettled weather pattern will give us colder nights and more rain to encourage better sport on this marvelous river and spread it throughout the whole river. Most people are still looking for even more water to encourage a good run of fresher salmon to benefit all.
Autumn is here with hopefully cooler river temperatures and more rain making better conditions to improve sport as has proved this season so far with some outstanding catches and numerous spring salmon registered in the Tay system above expectation, a few areas have had great summer and autumn catches so far due to excessive low water. Let us hope the sport can be maintained for the remainder of the season then it will certainly be one to remember in years to come. The Tay is currently fishing reasonably well with improving conditions after low warm water; salmon run this mighty river every day of the year due to its vast volume of water and is certainly a good destination to catch a salmon. Cooler temperatures and more rain will spice up the river and help encourage some salmon to run, however it must be said everyone has to work extremely hard to gain results under the current conditions. The salmon gods are hopefully going to bless us with more rain and an improved run of autumn salmon over the last couple of weeks. The river offers a variety of possibilities for all standards of anglers with ghillies’ only too keen to teach the novices and this mighty river can produce a memorable salmon for the keen fly fisher. Levels have now risen and temperatures dropped to hopefully encourage more salmon to run the river and spread out. Pools can be easily covered from bank and boat with modern technology. Why not have a go and sample this magical river. The fishing is supreme and the scenery is not bad either. Currently the nature along the river is tremendous with numerous wild flowers. The Ospreys have now gone south but the Geese should be arriving from the north and you could see an Otter or a Kingfisher darting past while you are in mid cast! It is true what they say, “ a salmon is a bonus!”
Beat catches reported
(week ending 12th October)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 91, Waulkmill 22, Lower Redgorton 32, Luncarty Summer and Autumn 10, Catholes Summer and Autumn 1, Upper Redgorton 15, Fishponds 18, Benchil and Pitlochrie 10, Upper Scone 4, Burnmouth 2, Stobhall 44, Taymount 47, Ballathie 45, Cargill 46, Islamouth 31, Lower and Upper Islamouth 32, Upper Islamouth and Meikleour House 9, Meikleour House 8, Kercock 32, Murthly 1 21, Glendelvine 12, Murthly 2 16, Newtyle 11, Dunkeld House 10, Dalmarnock 1, Dalguise 21, Lower Kinnaird 27, Upper Kinnaird 5, Farleyer Upper 10, Farleyer Lower 1, Upper Aberuthven 5, Lower Aberuthven 1, Islabank 3, Keithick Mains 5.
Total: 648 Largest: Ballathie 28lbs
SEA TROUT: Upper Aberuthven 3, Lower Aberuthven 1.
Total: 4 Largest: Upper Aberuthven 4lbs
Salmon have been caught throughout the system this past week including some superb fish from just below 30 pounds in weight encouraging everyone after some rain and cooler temperatures.
The Lower River caught approximately 450 salmon for the week. Islamouth had a good week catching on most days and having a few days in double figures. Ballathie and Cargill continue to do extremely well as does Taymount and Stobhall. This part of the river is holding a good stock of resident salmon and any fresh salmon running stop as well giving the beats very good sport. Stobhall had a much better week with local rods doing well.

Simon Furniss landed a superb 21 pounds fresh salmon from the Twin Stones on the fly on Friday. Further down stream life is bit more difficult with the continued lack of water. At Stanley Charles Savage enjoyed some good autumn fishing landing a few fish for his 3 days.

On Saturday Rob Stewart caught his first ever salmon form Horsey which was dedicated to his father Fraser who was a keen angler on the Tay and sadly passed away. Fishponds and Upper Redgorton worked away with reasonable success during the week.

Rob Jaques was a successful angler on Fishponds. Luncarty saw some Norwegian visitors at the end of the week and they did well landing fish up to 20 pounds on the fly. Waulkmill and lower Redgorton had good weeks being just above the tide. Almondmouth had another good week with over 90 salmon. The Stormont Angling club is also fishing well due to the river conditions.

Graham Nicols landed a superb fresh salmon estimated at over 25 pounds.
On the Middle River around 170 salmon were registered and some good fresh salmon have been caught as well.

Lower Kinnaird had a good week landing 27 salmon up to 16 pounds mostly on fly. This was a report from Stan Pelc on Dalguise.

“The sunsets at Dalguise Fishings after a memorable weeks fishing, the week ended with 21 fish caught and not far of that lost as well. The fishing has been excellent this week with lots a fresh fish being caught as well as some notable coloured fish, Andy Kerr kicks starts off the 20 pounds plus group with a fine coloured cock on Monday, then finishes the week with a 27 pounder from the Guay Pool.

Fen Howieson picked up a 20 pounds hen on Saturday, rounding off the week.” Thanks Stan.

On Dalmarnock Paul Young had success landing a 13 pounds salmon from the boat. Dunkeld House had a reasonable week with fish up to 22 pounds. Newtyle saw veteran angler Jack Hopper back catching salmon on Tuesday. The fly did well with Owen Duff, Rodger Worth and
Tony Thomas landing salmon up to 18 pounds. French visitors Christian Lassiaille and Daniel Viry also had memorable experiences of salmon fishing on the Tay. The Murthly area also did well with Ian Scrutons party catching several salmon throughout the week including some good fresh fish. Kercock had a good week with 32 fish, Colin Chisholm had a 21 pounds salmon, Adrian Parry got three fish with the biggest being 20 pounds. Jim Dickson, Stephen Bain, Paul Hunter, Jamie Turner & Billy McInnes all had fish.
Brian Bayne got a 15 pounder on a cascade and

82 year old Malcolm Hume had an 8 pounds fish also on a cascade.
The Upper reaches are now struggling for salmon after prolonged low water levels. The Upper River registered 16 salmon last week from Farleyer beats and Upper Kinnaird. Kinnaird saw a couple of first ever salmon for
Ken Cairnduff and Ron Ryland that was superb news. Well done!
The Tummel system registered 0 salmon. Salmon are still running through the Dam in numbers. This was a report from The Pitlochry AC blog. “A lift in water height and we are back in business. On Friday morning Calum Mc Roberts had two fish in Sawmill at 4lb and 16lb on a Payo 110. Calum followed this up on Saturday with a fairly fresh fish of 9lb caught on a No 3 Mepps at Ruan Ruarie fishings on the Garry. Not to be outdone Gordon Nichol also had two on Saturday at 4lb and 5lb from Sawmill on a Sunrise Shrimp. This is another shrimp pattern using mainly yellow & orange combination ( Thorsten Struben ). Well done lads. This has been another great season on Tummel on all beats. Just heard of a reported fish of over 20lb to Matt Mitchell fishing West Haugh on Friday on fly. ” Many Thanks. Currently there is now over 6000 salmon through the ladder, which is now a good increase on last year.
The Isla registered 8 salmon from Islabank and Keithick Mains. The Earn registered 6 salmon from Aberuthven.
It was certainly a hard week for most with good conditions and reasonable catches on some beats, the river must hope for yet more rain to encourage salmon to run over the last weeks and spread throughout the entire system. Please maintain the Catch and Release code for the river to protect our sport for the future.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.
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