Salmon Fishing Scotland river Tay, Perthshire, Scotland Report for week ending 19th October 2013.
The conditions on the Tay in Perthshire, Scotland changed yet again this past week with at last a reasonable spate on Saturday and reasonable catches throughout the week but it must be said it has not been easy for many beats on the Tay. Hopefully a distinct autumnal feel and a more water will give us the conditions to encourage better sport on this marvelous river and spread it throughout the whole river. The fresh water will hopefully encourage a good run of fresher salmon to benefit all.
Autumn is here with more water and better conditions to improve sport as has proved this season so far with some outstanding catches and numerous spring salmon registered in the Tay system above expectation, a few areas have had great summer and autumn catches so far due to excessive low water. Let us hope the sport can be maintained for the remainder of the season then it will go out with a positive note. The Tay is currently fishing reasonably well with improving conditions after low warm water; salmon run this mighty river every day of the year due to its vast volume of water and is certainly a good destination to catch a salmon. Cooler temperatures and rain will spice up the river and help encourage some salmon to run, however it must be said everyone has to work extremely hard to gain results under the current conditions. The salmon gods are hopefully going to bless us with an improved run of autumn salmon over the last 10 days of the season. The river offers a variety of possibilities for all standards of anglers with ghillies’ only too keen to teach the novices and this mighty river can produce a memorable salmon for the keen fly fisher. Levels have now risen and temperatures dropped to hopefully encourage more salmon to run the river and spread out. Pools can be easily covered from bank and boat with modern technology. Why not have a go and sample this magical river. The fishing is supreme and the scenery is not bad either. Currently the nature along the river is tremendous with numerous wild flowers. The Ospreys have now gone south but the Geese should be arriving from the north and you could see an Otter or a Kingfisher darting past while you are in mid cast! It is true what they say, “ a salmon is a bonus!”
Beat catches reported
(week ending 19th October)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 56, Waulkmill 33, Lower Redgorton 18, Luncarty Summer and Autumn 5, Upper Redgorton 10, Fishponds 10, Benchil and Pitlochrie 8, Upper Scone 14, Burnmouth 2, Stobhall 17, Taymount 51, Ballathie 24, Cargill 31, Islamouth 4, Lower and Upper Islamouth 27, Upper Islamouth and Meikleour House 7, Meikleour House 2, Kercock 24, Murthly 1 Low Water 20, Glendelvine 8, Murthly 2 High Water 29, Newtyle 9, Dunkeld House 7, Dalmarnock 5, Dalguise 5, Lower Kinnaird 5, Upper Kinnaird 1, Farleyer Upper 5, Farleyer Lower 15, Upper Aberuthven 3, Lower Aberuthven 2, Portnacraig Pitlochry 1, Ruan Ruarie 1.
Total: 459 Largest: Murthly 1 Low Water 30lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 1, Taymount 3, Murthly 1 Low Water 1, Lower Aberuthven 4.
Total: 9 Largest: Taymount 4lbs
Salmon have been caught throughout the system this past week including some superb fish from just below 30 pounds in weight encouraging everyone after rain and cooler temperatures.
Lower River caught approximately 330 salmon for the week. Islamouth had a good week catching on most days and having a few days in double figures. Ballathie and Cargill continue to do extremely well as does Taymount and Stobhall. This part of the river is holding a good stock of resident salmon and any fresh salmon running stop as well giving the beats very good sport. At Stanley fish continued to hard earned but Gary Perks enjoyed a good week on Upper Scone landing several salmon up to 25 pounds.

Also on the Stanley water Simon Harrops party had fish on most days with Simon landing a long tailed sea lice fish from Horsey. Rupert Abbott and Luke Barnett also caught on fly and spinner. Philip Walker caught a 14 pounds fish on the fly from the Woodside on Thursday.

Fishponds and Upper Redgorton also had to wortk hard for success but were catching some lovely fresh salmon with tide lice. Waulkmill and lower Redgorton had good weeks being just above the tide. Almondmouth had another good week with over 50 salmon. The Stormont Angling club continued to fish well due to the river conditions. Danny Fulton landed a superb fresh salmon estimated at over 28 pounds.
Some video action from last week.
On the
Middle River around 120 salmon were registered and some good fresh salmon have been caught as well including fish up to 30 pounds.

Lower Kinnaird had their share of salmon for the week with Rob Hargreaves catching a 13 pounds salmon on the fly from the Junction pool. This was the Dalguise report from Stan Pelc. “Last week was a very strange week, lots and I mean lots of salmon showing daily in all the pools, including some big fish well into their twenties. Catching them was a very different story all together, this made following the previous weeks haul of 21 a near impossible task. It would however, be fair to say that the river never really settled, at the start of the week it was dropping, then come Saturday a perfect rise, but it brought with it all the autumn leaves and debris, no sheep this time. However, we managed 5 fish for the week, nothing outstanding, but still good sport for the Dalguise Fishings anglers. The first fish of the week arrived on Tuesday, a 10lb coloured hen courtesy of Martin Jones, a 5lbs coloured hen quickly followed this for Uli Dorfner, on the fly in the Croy Stream. Wednesday brought the third fish of the week, an 8lb coloured hen caught by Gordon Stewart from Rothesay on a Stinchar Stoat Bottle Tube in the Guay Flats.
Thursday was an important day, with Elaine Mather hooking and landing fish number 119, equaling last years total, a coloured hen of 6lb caught at the Tail of the Island. Elaine would kill me if I never mentioned this again, but her fish was caught on her new Guideline Rod and Line (one of our bank Ghillie’s would approve of this). Friday and Saturday were both hard, hard days with the rise on Saturday came a deluge of debris down the system, thousands on leaves and the odd tree. But, Roddy Crosbie stuck it out and the well known Cree angler managed to winkle out a very small coloured hen grilse of 2lb.” Great report Stan, many thanks.

On Dalmarnock Mr St John achieved a MacNab thanks to a 21 pounds fish from the beat taken on a Tay Lure from the boat. There were also good notable fish salmon for Colin Booth and Douglas.

Dunkeld House had their share with 14 year old Lewis McDonald landing his first ever fish on a Rapala from the Cutty with his Grandfather looking on. Peter Karni landed an 18 pounds fish on the fly from the Lady Pool and

Bernard Summerfield landed a good salmon earlier in the week. Newtyle had a reasonable week. The Murthly and Glendelvine beats enjoyed good success throughout the week with fish up to 30 pounds. Kercock “had some nice fish this past week, Jim McEwan had four fish his biggest 15lbs, Norrie Mcloud had three including a 23lbs fish, Adam Bennett, Simon Rutherford, George Maitland, all had fish and Brian Taylor had two, his biggest 20lbs caught on a G.P tube fly.” Thanks Gary.
The Upper reaches have now improved after prolonged low water levels. The
Upper River registered 21 salmon last week from Farleyer beats and Upper Kinnaird.
Tummel system registered 2 salmon from Ruan Ruarie. Salmon are still running through the Dam in numbers. Currently there is now over 6000 salmon through the ladder, which is now a good increase on last year. This was the report from the Angling Club. “A last throw over the closing days saw Gordon Nichol finish his season with a fish around 6 pounds in Sawmill. Peter Rejner had a fish just over the 4lbs at the Dam beat and also had two come off. William Wilson finished our season with a fish estimated at 16 pounds from Ruan Ruarie. This beat on the River Garry has hardly been fished in the past two seasons. We have one rod who fishes fairly regular (Barry Ward ) and again he has been successful with 8 fish recorded between 4lbs and 10lbs. P.A C. fishing on the Tummel has had another great year with 170 recorded from the Dam beats and 52 from Sawmill. The club would like to take this opportunity to thank all our visiting anglers for their continued support of Pitlochry Angling Club.” Many thanks.
Isla registered 0 salmon. The
Earn registered 5 salmon from Aberuthven.
It was certainly a hard week for most with good conditions and reasonable catches on some beats, the river must hope for yet more rain to encourage salmon to run over the last weeks and spread throughout the entire system. Please maintain the Catch and Release code for the river to protect our sport for the future.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.