Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire, Scotland Salmon Fishing Report for week ending 11th October 2014.
The river Tay in Perthshire Scotland had a much better catch last week in settled conditions after rain brought the river up earlier in the week improving sport at long last. Currently there has been a run of autumn salmon and grilse over the last few weeks on the river but there is a higher expectation of further improvement in the last few weeks to come with more fish running after the big spate last week. The weather has at last changed and this could trigger off further improvements. The catches have been disappointing and tough to achieve recently but more water has given hope and renewed optimism for the coming weeks assuming more fish enter the system. Most beats are reporting reasonable numbers of fish in residence but catching them is proving difficult.
This past week saw the water levels rise dramatically after very heavy rain to much better levels and sport improved throughout the river. The fishing can be supreme and the scenery is not bad either. The autumn colours are supreme and you could see an Otter or a Kingfisher darting past while you are in mid cast! It is true what they say, “ a salmon is a bonus!” That has certainly been the case this year!
Beat catches reported
(week ending 11th October)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 17, Waulkmill 17, Lower Redgorton 6, Luncarty 6, Upper Redgorton 16, Fishponds 14, Benchil 10, Upper Scone 3, Pitlochrie 4, Burnmouth 5, Stobhall 29, Taymount 46, Ballathie 17, Cargill 21, Islamouth 19, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 21, Kercock 20, Glendelvine 15, Murthly 2 18, Newtyle 7, Dunkeld House 5, Dalmarnock 5, Dalguise 4, Lower Kinnaird 15, Upper Kinnaird 7, Farleyer Upper 5, Farleyer Lower 5, Lower Aberuthven 3, Lochlane and Laggan 9.
Total: 369 Largest: Taymount 34lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 1, Lower Redgorton 2, Luncarty 3, Upper Redgorton 1, Burnmouth 1, Stobhall 3, Taymount 2, Cargill 1, Glendelvine 2, Newtyle 1, Dunkeld House 1, Dalmarnock 3, Lower Kinnaird 3, Upper Kinnaird 1, Lower Aberuthven 1.
Total: 26 Largest: Dalmarnock 4lbs
Lower Tay.
The autumn fishing has been hard on the lower river with limited fish running but the increase in water levels last week saw big improvements. Sea Trout have been an added bonus this summer but a strengthening autumn run is hoped for in remaining weeks of the season to come. The lower beats below Stanley caught fish this past week in better numbers. The sharp rise to around 10 feet on Monday night saw fish run and move throughout the river. The rise did not benefit Almondmouth and the Stormont Angling club as fish ran the Almond in numbers. Waulkmill had a much better week with 17 fish, which included 11 on Thursday alone.
Luncarty had improved sport and reported good numbers on the beat waiting to run the Shochie and Ordie. John McCallums party did well on Friday landing 3 fish up to 20 pounds and saw some of the party attempting McNabs. One of the party from Holland and Holland missed out by a whisker as he caught a salmon, shot 2 stags but only managed one grouse.

Paul Graham caught the 20 pounds salmon.

Fishponds also had a much better week having success on most days. On
Upper Redgorton Mike Hay reported that “Nigel Fords Thorn team caught 16 for the week. Marina Ford landed 2 in the space of 30 minutes, her first ever Salmon one of which was a 15lbs hen.

Nigel himself landed a 16lb cock. Steve Shackelton landed his first ever Salmon, an 18 lbs sea licer. All fish were safely returned.”

At Stanley Gary Manley enjoyed a hard but good week on the river. On Thusday he caught his first Tay salmon for some years on a Flying C on Benchil then proceeded to land another 5 in the day.

Sam and Sandy Datta joined the beat on Friday and Saturday and both caught good fish on fly and spinner from
Pitlochrie and
Benchil. Stobhall and Taymount had good weeks with some impressive catches on several days. At Stobhall a local team including Simon Furniss and Jim Ferrie had good sport on fly and spinner. Meanwhile on Taymount sport was brisk as well with outstanding fish landed up to a mighty 34 pounds.

The 34 pounds whopper was caught by Dave Parkes on the fly in the Red Rocks and should be a leading contender for the Malloch Trophy. Ballathie and Cargill continue to do well with fish on most days. David Godfrey reported from
Cargill that the “coloured water coming from the river Isla for most of the week caused Cargill anglers to find it tough. Fishing did improve mid week and Christian Laiselle and Raymond Poggia from France both caught good fish on the fly as did

Neil French landing a nice 14lber from the Garden Pool. Paul Christie broke his run of 28 days fishing blank with a cracking 20lber also from the Garden Pool. Gavin Mason also caught good fish up to 16lbs in very testing conditions. 21 fish were caught for the week up to 20lbs with 19 returned and two retained.” Islamouth had a much improved week with well into double figures landed. Calum McRoberts reported “what a magnificent week it was for guests fishing
Meikleour & Upper Islamouth.

With a dirty spate on the Monday there was no fishing until Wednesday but we managed five that day and weighing up to a magnificent 24lbs. Then 3 on Thursday, 9 on Friday and 4 on Saturday to give us 21 fish for 4 days fishing! Fish were caught on a mix of fly and spinning, but the Copper Salmo seemed particularly productive and accounted for the vast majority of fish. We have a lot of fish lying with us now, especially in the Meikleour part of the beat, with the House Pool in particular being stuffed with fish!”
Middle Tay.
The catches further upstream have improved with the rise in the river at long last.

Gary Harkin reported from
Kercock that they “ had 20 for the week with Mikael Ramnesater catching a 4lbs grilse on a sun ray, David Van Der landed a 16lber, Robb Park had 3 fish in three days weighing 10, 7 and 7lbs. Adrian Parry caught an 11lber, Dougie McLean had four fish in 2 days, Les Spencer caught one at 4lbs and Tony Moores had his first salmon on his first day salmon fishing weighing12 lbs.” Glendelvine and the Murthly beats caught fish in the week with Ian Scrutons party having success on Murthly 1.

The improved water saw Newtyle fair better. Dunkeld House also saw improvements with David Williamson landing a fish of 10 pounds, Alan Tweedie had one at 7 pounds and

James Brown caught his first fish on the fly from the Cathedral stream with another landed in the Lady pool weighing 7 pounds. Dalmarnock had a few fish in the week. On Dalguise ghillie, Stan Pelc had a chance to fish himself earlier in the week and caught a couple up to 7 pounds. Later in the week Andrew Sutherland caught 4 pounds grilse when fishing with light tackle for Grayling. The sport picked up for the Kinnaird beats with several fish caught in the week including 7 off the lower beat on Saturday.
Upper Tay.
This area has been quiet recently but the fresh water has livened up sport with Farleyer beats reporting fish in the week.
It has been a very quiet week on the Tummel again with odd catches but fish have been running through Pitlochry Dam with the count around 4500.
Isla & Ericht.
Salmon have been running the Isla and Ericht in recent weeks the recent water should have improved matters. Nothing was reported last week.
Fish are now running the river with increased flows. Fish were reported from Lower Aberuthven and Lochlane and Laggan.
The 2014 salmon season in Scotland, Europe and Iceland has not been one to remember so far. Atlantic salmon stocks are relatively low so the importance of Catch and Release is vital to continue our enjoyment of this superb sport for the future. Currently on the Tay the majority of anglers with odd exceptions are achieving this. We had a superb spring run and catch last season, which may just be down to the majority of anglers returning salmon over the past seasons. This year catches have fallen dramatically so emphasizing the importance of catch and release is absolutely crucial. Retaining hen salmon is a strict no no and any angler doing so should not be allowed on our rivers.

Hugh Robins with a good fish from September to win TGA fish of the month.
The Tay Ghillies Association have seized the initiative and launched a FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter.
• Catch a good Tay Salmon
• Weigh it carefully and photograph it with as little handling as possible.
• Verify with Ghillie
• Safely return the fish with a minimum of handling
• TGA Committee decision is final
Send entries with a photo and verification details to:-
Mike Hay, Sec of Tay Ghillies Assoc.
Mobile: 07762 464407
Thank you to all anglers who have returned their spring salmon to maintain our sport for the future, but this should be extended to the summer and autumn now as catches have dropped to new lows, it is vitally important and is a great contribution by individuals who care for their sport and the river. Well done!
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.