The conditions on the Tay in Perthshire, Scotland were better for the last 4 days with a falling river after very high water and catches were reasonable on most beats. The extra water helped spread catches and fresh salmon were caught on most beats participating in the extension fishing but better conditions in the last two weeks would have been preferred as the river was continually unsettled with the very heavy rain. It is strange that the river was looking for rain after all the dry weather but when it came the rain forgot to stop!

The last cast of 2013 at Kercock.
The Autumn catches have been good in selective areas of the river which suit excessive low water but in many areas it has been a difficult period after an outstanding spring with numerous salmon registered in the Tay system above expectation. It as a strange year with effectively a big spate in May then no real spate until mid October. Overall it has been a good season ending on a positive note with catches up on last year and on the 5-year average. The outstanding scenery complimented the fishing over the last few weeks with some spectacular autumn colours in Perthshire to rival anywhere in the world.
Salmon have been caught throughout the system this past week including some very fresh late runners and some autumn monsters.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 2nd November)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 27, Waulkmill 19, Lower Redgorton 18, Luncarty Summer and Autumn 10, Catholes Summer and Autumn 4, Upper Redgorton 9, Fishponds 22, Benchil and Pitlochrie 16, Upper Scone 7, Catholes 1, Burnmouth 3, Stobhall 10, Taymount 13, Ballathie 13, Cargill 18, Lower and Upper Islamouth 16, Upper Islamouth and Meikleour House 2, Meikleour House 6, Kercock 15, Murthly 1 24, Murthly 2 11, Newtyle 18, Dunkeld House 16, Dalmarnock 1, Dalguise 8, Lower Aberuthven 1.
Total: 308 Largest: Upper Redgorton 34lbs
SEA TROUT: Upper Scone 2, Taymount 1.
Total: 3 Largest: Taymount 3lbs
The Lower River caught approximately 200 salmon for the week. The conditions over the last few days were improving with better catches apart from Thursday when the river rose and leaves were a problem. The Islamouth area produced some good days and Ballathie and Cargill continued their good spell. Taymount and Stobhall finished their season with salmon caught on all the days. This has been the standout area of the river with catches well above the average benefiting from the years conditions. From Stanley down river it has been a hard autumn period but catches have improved in October after rain at long last. Upper Scone and Stanley have made the most of the water but would have preferred it much earlier. In the last week George Masons party enjoyed reasonable sport with Scone landing fish up to 24 pounds and odd fresh salmon.

Kenny Scott with a good salmon caught at Benchil.
At Stanley the last 4 days proved the best of the autumn with 16 salmon landed. Notable catches included John Morrison catching a long tailed sea liced fish from Horsey on the fly, Freddie Sutherland catching 4 in a day off Benchil and John Lessels landing 4 in two days. On Catholes Slawomir Wojcik was delighted to catch a 5 pounds fresh salmon but hooked a monster that got away. On Catholes and Luncarty Andrew Gifford’s party did well landing several salmon that included 3 anglers first ever salmon.

A good fish from Fishponds.
Upper Redgorton and Fishponds had a good last few days including a few very big fish up to 34 pounds. Lower Redgorton, Waulkmill and Almondmouth also faired well.
On the Middle River around 100 salmon were registered and some good fresh salmon have been caught as well including fish up to over 30 pounds.

Skene party at Dalguise.
Dalguise end of season saw “some very memorable moments and 8 fish in total, with 3 salmon fishing novices breaking their duck at Dalguise, Robin Reid, Kieran Fraser and Mark Goddard. Then there was Mark Mason’s 30lb cock salmon to end the season on, taking the final total to 136. Monday started with high water and lots of autumnal leaves coming down the system, this made fishing hard and Mondays guests failed to connect. With the water dropping Tuesday was a decent day, with 3 fish landed to the Brick and Stone Party, Robin Reid coloured cock 15lb, Colin Paton coloured cock 6lb (cascade) and Kieran Fraser coloured cock 18lb. Wednesday was improved; however still plenty of leaves about! 4 fish were landed, John Christison 9lb silver cock, Jim Goold 12lb coloured hen 12lb, Mark Goddard coloured hen 2lb and Malcolm Bennet 8lb coloured hen. Then came the final day of the season, a rising water which didn’t dampen Mark Mason’s spirits and he rounds of the season with a 30lb’r, a big cock fish looking great in it’s tartan outfit.” Thanks Stan. On Dalmarnock Gordon Nicol ended his season on the last day on a high with a 16 pounds salmon. Gordon was also fortunate the get an opening day fish as well back in January on the Tummel. Dunkeld House had a great last few days with several salmon landed up to an impressive 28 pounds. Ian Strachan enjoyed success with the fly, Visions were popular with Simon Furniss and

Calum McRoberts catching fish up to 22 pounds, David Erwin and Jim McDonald did their part. Former Dunkeld owner Jess Miller also caught with a 6 pounds salmon. Newtyle finished their season off well with some good days and fell just short of 250 salmon for the season, which was way up on their 5 year average. The Murthly beats also finished well and again had catches well above the 5 year average. Kercock had a good last four days with some real quality silver fish landing 15. They had 92 fish for October even with the high water in the second half of the month. Successful anglers included Andy Kerr, Robert McFarlane, Brian Watson with a 12 pounder on a orange tube fly, Dougie McLean caught 2 including a 10 pounds sea licer and Norrie McLeod had three with his biggest being a 20 pounds cracker,

Dougie McIntosh also had a 12 pounds sea licer on a cascade tube and Mark Thomson caught 2 up to 10 pounds.
The other areas of the river were closed form mid month.
The Earn registered 1 salmon from Aberuthven.
Overall it has been a good season for the river with improved catches above the average. Thank you all who maintained the river Catch and Release code as it is so important to help maintain sport for the future of this river.
The light finally fades on 2013 season.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.
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