Tayside luminaries unite in support of Auction for River Tay.
Luminaries and businesses from across Tayside have joined forces to provide a highly eclectic selection of lots for auction in aid of the Tay Foundation, the Charity of the world famous river Tay. Lots will be auctioned from 2pm on Sunday August 25th at Derculich in Strathtay, Perthshire following a charity lunch. Funds raised will support a Spring Salmon Restoration Appeal and other Tay Foundation projects.

The main sponsor of the River Tay Auction is leading estate agents and property consultants CKD Galbraith, supported by legal practice Gillespie Macandrew and Scotland’s leading independent wine merchants Cockburns of Leith.
The Auction consists of 80 lots including prestigious sporting and fishing opportunities, fine wines and spirits, art, adventure challenges and silver and jewellery – indeed “something for everyone.”
Highlights amongst the lots include:
• The J.K. Rowling Lot – a rare opportunity to obtain a hardback full set signed by the author.
• The Muirfield and Gleneagles Lots – opportunities for golf on these legendary courses, homes of the 2013 Open and Ryder Cups respectively.
• The opportunity to “Bag a Macnab” in Highland Perthshire.
• Primetime fishing on top Tay beats such as Almondmouth, Taymount and Upper Islamouth and Meikleour.
The Auction was launched at the Scone Game Fair on Friday July 5th.. Catalogues are available from the River Tay office or can be viewed on line at www.fishthetay.co.uk or www.fishpal.com
William Jackson, of CKD Galbraith and Chairman of the Tay Foundation’s fundraising committee, commented: “I have been amazed by the generosity of people coming up with such a wide variety of auction lots to help ensure funding for the Charity’s projects which are so important for all of us; after all the Tay represents the area’s lifeblood. We are greatly indebted to so many and I think that we can genuinely say that the Auction offers something for everyone.”
Auction bids can be submitted in advance up to noon on Thursday 22nd August (either in hard copy or by email to: ingamcgowan@btconnect.com) or in person on the day.
For further information contact Lorna Bromley-Martin, Auction Secretary:
Email: Lorna.bromlemartin@btopenworld.com; or call River Tay Offices on 01738 583733 07831 131313.
The Tay Foundation is a charitable trust which provides support for all aspects of the River Tay including its tributaries, fish and the environment from source to sea.
Tay Foundation
Cromwell Park
Perth PH1 3LW
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.
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