Fishing Scotland Guillemots on the Tay at Stanley Perthshire Scotland.
To-day (20/09/2007) I saw two Guillemots flying down the river back to the sea. They had probably been swept inland from the west by high winds. They are sea birds and can not feed inland and thus follow the river down stream until they get back to the sea. In previous years many have died failing to find food and becoming too weak to fly back to the sea. For more information on Guillemots click here.
Nicest bird I've ever seen on Benchil Pitlochrie
Not putting enough water in it Bobby?
Ghillie-mots --- what next --- Geordie and the open wallet.
I can hardly wait for the next instalement.
Skua Auk to know better.
Unleaded Petrel.
Latin name: Uria Aalgae.
Family: Alcidae -- (Auks).
I think your illustration is a juvenile.
Very interesting to find these sea cliff birds inland.
A photograph of the actual birds would have been handy for positive identification.
Much better watching birds than killing fish, keep up the good work.
Local RSPB fan.
geordie could have dropped them with a left and right at 50 yds
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