Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Salmon fishing report w/e 23rd September 2017.
Salmon fishing on the Tay in Perthshire is in late September with changeable autumnal conditions for fishing in now slightly colder weather and reasonable water levels from rain at times plus catches are steady with autumn arriving. The temperatures have started to drop making the resident salmon more aggressive, expectation and optimism are still high on the river with summer slowly disappearing and autumn arriving to give everyone a chance of landing a good Tay salmon.
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are now departing quickly, the Ospreys have already gone for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Recent days have seen the first Geese arriving. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, the autumn colours are now showing, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 23rd September)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 15, Waulkmill 12, Lower Redgorton 4, Luncarty 1, Upper Redgorton 7, Fishponds 7, Benchil 7, Upper Scone 12, Pitlochrie 1, Stobhall 14, Taymount 21, Ballathie 7, Cargill 16, Islamouth 11, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 6, Kercock 2, Delvine Burnbane 2, Murthly 1 1, Glendelvine 2, Newtyle 2, Dunkeld House 2, Dalmarnock 3, Dalguise 4, Lower Kinnaird 1, Upper Kinnaird 1, Farleyer Lower 2, Upper Aberuthven 1, Lochlane and Laggan 4, Keithick Mains 5, Ruan Ruarie 1.
Total: 174 Largest: Upper Scone 26lbs
SEA TROUT: Upper Scone 1, Stobhall 1, Lochlane and Laggan 3, Keithick Mains 1.
Total: 6 Largest: Lochlane and Laggan 3lbs
July was the rivers best month so far and August was steady with more salmon landed in warmer weather and river conditions have improved as the weeks have gone with plenty of fresh water. Settling river levels after rain recently and water temperatures dropping should hopefully continue to improve catches over the next few weeks with autumn now underway. The lack of rain had dropped the river to summer levels however salmon are still running due to the Tay’s sheer size as you fish another river within it. Recent rain has helped to spice things up. It was another far better week with just over 170 fish landed and the biggest one recorded was 26 pounds from the Pitlochrie beat on Upper Scone. Spring is now a distant memory for 2017 and Summer has disappeared as we move into Autumn. Some of the fish that have been caught are memorable as typical Tay specimens due to their size and depth with only a few grilse caught so far. Hopefully there will be a lot more of them to come in the few weeks of the season.
This past week again saw more fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats with a spread in catches mainly due to water temperatures dropping and resident fish becoming more aggressive. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing sport and the rise in water levels in recent times may just have spiced things up by encouraging salmon into the river. The very lower part of the river is producing consistent catches with Almondmouth, Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton all catching in the week but in disappointing numbers for the time of year. The beats further up are not fairing any better but improved slightly last week as everyone hopes for some form of autumn run. Upper Scone had a better week with 12 which included a 26 pounds fish from Horsey on the Pitlochrie beat.
At Stanley the Benchil beat had a good opening day for the week with 5 fish up to 21 pounds.
Alistair Sheach and Billy Hendry both landed good fish on the fly casting from the boats.
Later in the week Simon Furniss had a 15 pounds fish from Horsey on the Pitlochrie beat on the fly. Stobhall and Taymount shared 35 fish between them and further upstream Ballathie and Cargill had 23.
16 fish came from Cargill with Neil French and Ian Jardine being the top rods catching fish up to 18 pounds.
Islamouth finished with 11 and further up Upper Islamouth and Meikleour accounted for 6 with Jen and Josh Goudge from Seattle catching their first ever salmon, this feat was also achieved by Jeremy Cahill later in the week. Norwegian visitors Finn Solberg and Harold Stromme had success at the end of the week along with Jim Eddie.
The middle river continues to be extremely disappointing despite dropping river temperatures and more water not producing good sport however there have been odd exceptions. Fish came from Kercock, Delvine, Murthly, Glendelvine, Newtyle, Dunkeld House, Dalmarnock, Dalguise and the Kinnaird beats but in small numbers for the time of year.
The ladies were at it on Delvine with French visiting anglers Anne Pillon and Anouck Vallon sharing an 8 pounds salmon from the boat.
Patrick Burling caught his first ever fish as well from the beat.
On Dalmarnock Mike Sutton landed fish up to 15 pounds.
The upper river was seeing steady sport with fish recently caught and reported last week at Farleyer.
The Tummel was continuing to see sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club and there are now over 4000 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally and a fish reported from Ruan Ruarie.
The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht with fish reported from Keithick Mains.
The Earn has seen a run of salmon and sea trout progress up the river with a good few fish caught in the system over recent weeks and reported fish from Upper Aberuthven and Lochlane and Laggan.
The current week has got off to a quiet start because of a large spate but hopefully that will stir things up for better success as the week goes on.
The Salmon fishing season is in its last few weeks now with Autumn here. It had been a difficult season but there have still been quite a few memorable fish caught. Let us hope the last few weeks go out with a bang. Tight lines!
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
Salmon Fishing Scotland. Salmon fishing on the River Tay, Perthshire, Scotland, offer a good variety of Guided Salmon Fly Fishing and Spinning for Atlantic Salmon during spring, summer and autumn months. Quality Salmon Flies and Salmon Tackle. Bob White Scottish Ghillie and G.Loomis Pro Guide. Quality flies available from
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Salmon Fishing Scotland Prospects for Tay, Perthshire w/c 25th September 2017.
Salmon Fishing Scotland Prospects for Tay, Perthshire w/c 25th September 2017.
The Salmon fishing season is now well into the Autumn on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland as we enter the later part of September and we have been encountering some rain at times resulting in fresh water in the river. The river has been a bit unsettled for quite a period with regular rain showers but the rain has brought the river up that much and it is now dropping back nicely. The lower river levels have not stopped some fish running and triggering off reasonable catches, however the increased flows should have helped even further. We have had some unsettled conditions in recent times with rain raising the river but that has now settled which hopefully will continue to give more optimism plus a reasonable summer run has entered the river over recent weeks. The night time temperatures have dropped as well cooling the river and triggering off more aggression in the resident fish resulting in improving catches. The weather hopefully will remain reasonable to give a greater chance of producing improving sport and good fish.
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are now departing quickly, the Ospreys have already gone for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Recent days have seen the first Geese arriving. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, the autumn colours are now showing, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Currently the river has dropped back after rain recently and settling with improving conditions (around 2’8 on the Ballathie gauge) however rain from the west will put the river back up by Monday am to hopefully encourage more salmon to run.
The weather has been again unsettled over parts of last week with rain and that theme will continue for this coming week with some rain forecast which hopefully will not upset the river too much. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain in recent weeks but the river has steadily dropped back to just above summer levels again. This current week continues to look a bit unsettled with some rain forecast at times. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal autumn fishing conditions. The water temperature is now cooling to 54 degrees Fahrenheit or 12.5 degrees Celsius at the start of this week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions with colder nights. This is good news making the resident salmon more aggressive and more likely to take. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fish anywhere in the river.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Salmon. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110’s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines should make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
Tackle recommendations for fishing the Tay throughout the season.
Fly Rods.
The Tay is a large river especially when running at a normal level and even in lower levels you are fishing another river within the mighty one so therefore a 15 foot fly rod for a 10 weight line is certainly minimum requirement for much of the season. Do not come under gunned. In some parts of the river where it is especially wide even longer rods are used. It should be noted however that it is better to cast a shorter controlled line than try to cast out with your capabilities and have the lines end up in a mess and decrease your chances.
Fly Lines.
In early season when the water is cold you need to cast larger flies and get them deeper in the water to fish them slowly. There is a tremendous choice on the market nowadays which can be quite confusing to many anglers. Any type of Skagit line that can easily cast a 15 foot sinking leader of various depths is a good choice especially to the less experienced. Iflights and a tip of choice attached are another good bet as these lines enable you to cast a longer line than normal with ease. For more experienced anglers, there are a vast array of shooting heads of different sinking abilities available as well. These tactics can be used in late season as well when the water starts to cool down.
Once the water temperature starts to climb by April then tactics change to mainly floating lines and sink tips with much smaller conventional flies. Again, the choice of lines is incredible from longer belly Spey lines to shooting heads. If you go to shooting heads, then it is important to choose a good shooting backing as line management can be a big issue casting longer lines on a river such as the Tay.
Spinning Rods.
You should have a minimum of a 10 foot rod for casting baits of 20gm to 60gms.
A main line of 20 pounds in nylon or 30 pounds in braid. You should use a lesser poundage far a cast such as 15 pounds so if you get caught up on the bottom you do not lose a large part of your main line.
Tobies from 18gm upwards. Toby Salmos are very popular in 30gms. Conventional weighted Devon’s are good especially in the Spring. Rapalas and Vision 110’s are very effective and of course Kynochs are popular for harling.
What flies should I take?
In early season bigger flies such as Tube Flies, Temple Dogs and Monkey type flies up to 2 inches in body length and larger conventional patterns in 4’s and 6’s in lower water are required. A point of note is that a lighter Tube such as an aluminium or plastic body is far easier to cast than brass. Current line technology enables you to get these lighter flies to the correct depths. Ask your ghillie for tip advice on the day.
As river temperatures rise to a more conventional approach then a size range in your box should be from 6 in higher water to 12 in lower water and even smaller on exceptionally low conditions. Cascade type patterns seem to be the most popular and recently feeler flies have come to the fore. It is always worth a go with a Sun Ray type fly with a long wing whether casting normally in colder conditions to stripping it fast in warmer water.
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2017 Season is that
• All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
• All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
• No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
• Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
The Salmon fishing season is now well into the Autumn on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland as we enter the later part of September and we have been encountering some rain at times resulting in fresh water in the river. The river has been a bit unsettled for quite a period with regular rain showers but the rain has brought the river up that much and it is now dropping back nicely. The lower river levels have not stopped some fish running and triggering off reasonable catches, however the increased flows should have helped even further. We have had some unsettled conditions in recent times with rain raising the river but that has now settled which hopefully will continue to give more optimism plus a reasonable summer run has entered the river over recent weeks. The night time temperatures have dropped as well cooling the river and triggering off more aggression in the resident fish resulting in improving catches. The weather hopefully will remain reasonable to give a greater chance of producing improving sport and good fish.
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are now departing quickly, the Ospreys have already gone for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Recent days have seen the first Geese arriving. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, the autumn colours are now showing, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Currently the river has dropped back after rain recently and settling with improving conditions (around 2’8 on the Ballathie gauge) however rain from the west will put the river back up by Monday am to hopefully encourage more salmon to run.
The weather has been again unsettled over parts of last week with rain and that theme will continue for this coming week with some rain forecast which hopefully will not upset the river too much. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain in recent weeks but the river has steadily dropped back to just above summer levels again. This current week continues to look a bit unsettled with some rain forecast at times. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal autumn fishing conditions. The water temperature is now cooling to 54 degrees Fahrenheit or 12.5 degrees Celsius at the start of this week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions with colder nights. This is good news making the resident salmon more aggressive and more likely to take. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fish anywhere in the river.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Salmon. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110’s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines should make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
Tackle recommendations for fishing the Tay throughout the season.
Fly Rods.
The Tay is a large river especially when running at a normal level and even in lower levels you are fishing another river within the mighty one so therefore a 15 foot fly rod for a 10 weight line is certainly minimum requirement for much of the season. Do not come under gunned. In some parts of the river where it is especially wide even longer rods are used. It should be noted however that it is better to cast a shorter controlled line than try to cast out with your capabilities and have the lines end up in a mess and decrease your chances.
Fly Lines.
In early season when the water is cold you need to cast larger flies and get them deeper in the water to fish them slowly. There is a tremendous choice on the market nowadays which can be quite confusing to many anglers. Any type of Skagit line that can easily cast a 15 foot sinking leader of various depths is a good choice especially to the less experienced. Iflights and a tip of choice attached are another good bet as these lines enable you to cast a longer line than normal with ease. For more experienced anglers, there are a vast array of shooting heads of different sinking abilities available as well. These tactics can be used in late season as well when the water starts to cool down.
Once the water temperature starts to climb by April then tactics change to mainly floating lines and sink tips with much smaller conventional flies. Again, the choice of lines is incredible from longer belly Spey lines to shooting heads. If you go to shooting heads, then it is important to choose a good shooting backing as line management can be a big issue casting longer lines on a river such as the Tay.
Spinning Rods.
You should have a minimum of a 10 foot rod for casting baits of 20gm to 60gms.
A main line of 20 pounds in nylon or 30 pounds in braid. You should use a lesser poundage far a cast such as 15 pounds so if you get caught up on the bottom you do not lose a large part of your main line.
Tobies from 18gm upwards. Toby Salmos are very popular in 30gms. Conventional weighted Devon’s are good especially in the Spring. Rapalas and Vision 110’s are very effective and of course Kynochs are popular for harling.
What flies should I take?
In early season bigger flies such as Tube Flies, Temple Dogs and Monkey type flies up to 2 inches in body length and larger conventional patterns in 4’s and 6’s in lower water are required. A point of note is that a lighter Tube such as an aluminium or plastic body is far easier to cast than brass. Current line technology enables you to get these lighter flies to the correct depths. Ask your ghillie for tip advice on the day.
As river temperatures rise to a more conventional approach then a size range in your box should be from 6 in higher water to 12 in lower water and even smaller on exceptionally low conditions. Cascade type patterns seem to be the most popular and recently feeler flies have come to the fore. It is always worth a go with a Sun Ray type fly with a long wing whether casting normally in colder conditions to stripping it fast in warmer water.
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2017 Season is that
• All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
• All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
• No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
• Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Salmon fishing report w/e 16th September 2017.
Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Salmon fishing report w/e 16th September 2017.
Salmon fishing on the Tay in Perthshire is in early September with changeable autumnal conditions for fishing in now slightly colder weather and reasonable water levels from rain at times plus catches are steady with autumn arriving. The temperatures have started to drop making the resident salmon more aggressive, expectation and optimism are still high on the river with summer slowly disappearing and autumn arriving to give everyone a chance of landing a good Tay salmon.
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are departing, the Ospreys have already gone for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Recent days have seen the first Geese arriving. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 16th September)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 14, Waulkmill 5, Lower Redgorton 8, Luncarty 1, Upper Redgorton 8, Fishponds 6, Benchil 2, Upper Scone 7, Pitlochrie 1, Stobhall 14, Taymount 20, Ballathie 8, Cargill 27, Islamouth 9, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 2, Kercock 3, Murthly 2 4, Newtyle 2, Dalmarnock 3, Dalguise 7, Lower Kinnaird 2, Farleyer Upper 1, Farleyer Lower 1, Keithick Mains 2.
Total: 157 Largest: Murthly 2 25lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 1, Lower Redgorton 2, Stobhall 1, Taymount 3, Newtyle 1, Lower Kinnaird 4.
Total: 12 Largest: Lower Kinnaird 4lbs
July was the rivers best month so far and August was steady with more salmon landed in warmer weather and river conditions have improved as the weeks have gone with plenty of fresh water. Settling river levels after rain recently and water temperatures dropping should hopefully continue to improve catches over the next few weeks with autumn now underway. The lack of rain had dropped the river to summer levels however salmon are still running due to the Tay’s sheer size as you fish another river within it. Recent rain has helped to spice things up. It was a far better week with nearly 160 fish landed and the biggest one recorded was 25 pounds from Murthly 2. Spring is now a distant memory for 2017 and Summer has disappeared as we move into Autumn. Some of the fish that have been caught are memorable as typical Tay specimens due to their size and depth with only a few grilse caught so far. Hopefully there will be a lot more of them to come in the last month of the season.
This past week again saw more fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats with a spread in catches mainly due to water temperatures dropping and resident fish becoming more aggressive. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing sport and the rise in water levels in recent times may just have spiced things up by encouraging salmon into the river. The very lower part of the river is producing consistent catches with Almondmouth, Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton all catching in the week but in disappointing numbers for the time of year. The beats further up are not fairing any better but improved slightly last week as everyone hopes for some form of autumn run.
The Robbins party enjoyed a hard week at Upper Redgorton and Miceal Bothwell enjoyed success on Fishponds.
Sharon Rice had a cracking 19 pounds fish from Benchil in the Long Shot. Upper Scone finished with 7 in the week with Gary Perk and the Gallaghers catching. Stobhall and Taymount did much better with 34.
Ballathie had 8 however Cargill had a superb week with 27 Salmon up to 23.5 pounds and hooked many more. Most of the fish were coloured but they did catch some sea liced fish as well. Successful anglers included Steve Curnow, Neil French, Alan Muir, Graeme Ritchie and John Brophy. The spinner was the top method but had 9 on the fly as well. Islamouth had 9 and Upper Islamouth and Meikleour finished with 2 which included a small grilse for Duncan McNair.
The middle river continues to be extremely disappointing despite dropping river temperatures and more water not producing good sport however there have been odd exceptions. Odd fish came from Kercock, Murthly, Newtyle, Dalmarnock and Dalguise.
Douglas McLean had a good fish from Kercock and Murthly 2 had the biggest fish of the week weighing 25 pounds. Dalguise had a better week with 7 for the Briggs party including a 14 pounder for Robin. Lower Kinnaird had a couple.
The upper river was seeing steady sport with fish recently caught and reported last week at Farleyer.
The Tummel was continuing to see sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club and there is now nearly 4000 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally.
The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht with a couple of fish reported from Keithick Mains.
The Earn has seen a run of salmon and sea trout progress up the river with a good few fish caught in the system over recent weeks but by beats that do not report.
The current week has got off to a much better start with over 50 fish recorded already up to an impressive 26 pounds on Monday with water temperatures going down further.
The Salmon fishing season is in its last few weeks now with Autumn here. It had been a difficult season but there have still been quite a few memorable fish caught. Let us hope the last few weeks go out with a bang. Tight lines!
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
Salmon fishing on the Tay in Perthshire is in early September with changeable autumnal conditions for fishing in now slightly colder weather and reasonable water levels from rain at times plus catches are steady with autumn arriving. The temperatures have started to drop making the resident salmon more aggressive, expectation and optimism are still high on the river with summer slowly disappearing and autumn arriving to give everyone a chance of landing a good Tay salmon.
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are departing, the Ospreys have already gone for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Recent days have seen the first Geese arriving. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 16th September)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 14, Waulkmill 5, Lower Redgorton 8, Luncarty 1, Upper Redgorton 8, Fishponds 6, Benchil 2, Upper Scone 7, Pitlochrie 1, Stobhall 14, Taymount 20, Ballathie 8, Cargill 27, Islamouth 9, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 2, Kercock 3, Murthly 2 4, Newtyle 2, Dalmarnock 3, Dalguise 7, Lower Kinnaird 2, Farleyer Upper 1, Farleyer Lower 1, Keithick Mains 2.
Total: 157 Largest: Murthly 2 25lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 1, Lower Redgorton 2, Stobhall 1, Taymount 3, Newtyle 1, Lower Kinnaird 4.
Total: 12 Largest: Lower Kinnaird 4lbs
July was the rivers best month so far and August was steady with more salmon landed in warmer weather and river conditions have improved as the weeks have gone with plenty of fresh water. Settling river levels after rain recently and water temperatures dropping should hopefully continue to improve catches over the next few weeks with autumn now underway. The lack of rain had dropped the river to summer levels however salmon are still running due to the Tay’s sheer size as you fish another river within it. Recent rain has helped to spice things up. It was a far better week with nearly 160 fish landed and the biggest one recorded was 25 pounds from Murthly 2. Spring is now a distant memory for 2017 and Summer has disappeared as we move into Autumn. Some of the fish that have been caught are memorable as typical Tay specimens due to their size and depth with only a few grilse caught so far. Hopefully there will be a lot more of them to come in the last month of the season.
This past week again saw more fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats with a spread in catches mainly due to water temperatures dropping and resident fish becoming more aggressive. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing sport and the rise in water levels in recent times may just have spiced things up by encouraging salmon into the river. The very lower part of the river is producing consistent catches with Almondmouth, Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton all catching in the week but in disappointing numbers for the time of year. The beats further up are not fairing any better but improved slightly last week as everyone hopes for some form of autumn run.
The Robbins party enjoyed a hard week at Upper Redgorton and Miceal Bothwell enjoyed success on Fishponds.
Sharon Rice had a cracking 19 pounds fish from Benchil in the Long Shot. Upper Scone finished with 7 in the week with Gary Perk and the Gallaghers catching. Stobhall and Taymount did much better with 34.
Ballathie had 8 however Cargill had a superb week with 27 Salmon up to 23.5 pounds and hooked many more. Most of the fish were coloured but they did catch some sea liced fish as well. Successful anglers included Steve Curnow, Neil French, Alan Muir, Graeme Ritchie and John Brophy. The spinner was the top method but had 9 on the fly as well. Islamouth had 9 and Upper Islamouth and Meikleour finished with 2 which included a small grilse for Duncan McNair.
The middle river continues to be extremely disappointing despite dropping river temperatures and more water not producing good sport however there have been odd exceptions. Odd fish came from Kercock, Murthly, Newtyle, Dalmarnock and Dalguise.
Douglas McLean had a good fish from Kercock and Murthly 2 had the biggest fish of the week weighing 25 pounds. Dalguise had a better week with 7 for the Briggs party including a 14 pounder for Robin. Lower Kinnaird had a couple.
The upper river was seeing steady sport with fish recently caught and reported last week at Farleyer.
The Tummel was continuing to see sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club and there is now nearly 4000 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally.
The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht with a couple of fish reported from Keithick Mains.
The Earn has seen a run of salmon and sea trout progress up the river with a good few fish caught in the system over recent weeks but by beats that do not report.
The current week has got off to a much better start with over 50 fish recorded already up to an impressive 26 pounds on Monday with water temperatures going down further.
The Salmon fishing season is in its last few weeks now with Autumn here. It had been a difficult season but there have still been quite a few memorable fish caught. Let us hope the last few weeks go out with a bang. Tight lines!
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
Monday, September 18, 2017
Salmon Fishing Scotland Prospects for Tay, Perthshire w/c 18th September 2017.
Salmon Fishing Scotland Prospects for Tay, Perthshire w/c 18th September 2017.
The Salmon fishing season is now well into Autumn on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland as we enter mid-September and we have been encountering some rain at times resulting in fresh water in the river. The river has been a bit unsettled for quite a period with regular rain showers but the rain has brought the river up and it is now dropping back nicely. The lower river levels have not stopped some fish running and triggering off reasonable catches, however the increased flows should have helped even further. We have had some unsettled conditions in recent times with rain raising the river but that has now settled which hopefully will continue to give more optimism plus a reasonable summer run has entered the river over recent weeks. The night time temperatures have dropped as well cooling the river and triggering off more aggression in the resident fish resulting in improving catches. The weather hopefully will remain reasonable to give a greater chance of producing improving sport and good fish.
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are departing, the Ospreys have already gone for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks.
Recent days have seen the first Geese arriving. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Currently the river has dropped back after rain recently and settling with improving conditions ( around 2’4 on the Ballathie gauge) to hopefully encourage more salmon to run.
The weather has been again unsettled over parts of last week with rain but there is a much better forecast for this coming week with some rain forecast which hopefully will not upset the river too much. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain in recent weeks but the river has steadily dropped back to just above summer levels again. This current week continues to look a bit unsettled with some rain forecast at times. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal autumn fishing conditions. The water temperature is now cooling to 54 degrees Fahrenheit or 12.5 degrees Celsius at the start of this week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions with colder nights. This is good news making the resident salmon more aggressive and more likely to take. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fish anywhere in the river.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Salmon. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110’s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines should make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
Tackle recommendations for fishing the Tay throughout the season.
Fly Rods.
The Tay is a large river especially when running at a normal level and even in lower levels you are fishing another river within the mighty one so therefore a 15 foot fly rod for a 10 weight line is certainly minimum requirement for much of the season. Do not come under gunned. In some parts of the river where it is especially wide even longer rods are used. It should be noted however that it is better to cast a shorter controlled line than try to cast out with your capabilities and have the lines end up in a mess and decrease your chances.
Fly Lines.
In early season when the water is cold you need to cast larger flies and get them deeper in the water to fish them slowly. There is a tremendous choice on the market nowadays which can be quite confusing to many anglers. Any type of Skagit line that can easily cast a 15 foot sinking leader of various depths is a good choice especially to the less experienced. Iflights and a tip of choice attached are another good bet as these lines enable you to cast a longer line than normal with ease. For more experienced anglers, there are a vast array of shooting heads of different sinking abilities available as well. These tactics can be used in late season as well when the water starts to cool down.
Once the water temperature starts to climb by April then tactics change to mainly floating lines and sink tips with much smaller conventional flies. Again, the choice of lines is incredible from longer belly Spey lines to shooting heads. If you go to shooting heads, then it is important to choose a good shooting backing as line management can be a big issue casting longer lines on a river such as the Tay.
Spinning Rods.
You should have a minimum of a 10 foot rod for casting baits of 20gm to 60gms.
A main line of 20 pounds in nylon or 30 pounds in braid. You should use a lesser poundage far a cast such as 15 pounds so if you get caught up on the bottom you do not lose a large part of your main line.
Tobies from 18gm upwards. Toby Salmos are very popular in 30gms. Conventional weighted Devon’s are good especially in the Spring. Rapalas and Vision 110’s are very effective and of course Kynochs are popular for harling.
What flies should I take?
In early season bigger flies such as Tube Flies, Temple Dogs and Monkey type flies up to 2 inches in body length and larger conventional patterns in 4’s and 6’s in lower water are required. A point of note is that a lighter Tube such as an aluminium or plastic body is far easier to cast than brass. Current line technology enables you to get these lighter flies to the correct depths. Ask your ghillie for tip advice on the day.
As river temperatures rise to a more conventional approach then a size range in your box should be from 6 in higher water to 12 in lower water and even smaller on exceptionally low conditions. Cascade type patterns seem to be the most popular and recently feeler flies have come to the fore. It is always worth a go with a Sun Ray type fly with a long wing whether casting normally in colder conditions to stripping it fast in warmer water.
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2017 Season is that
• All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
• All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
• No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
• Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
The Salmon fishing season is now well into Autumn on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland as we enter mid-September and we have been encountering some rain at times resulting in fresh water in the river. The river has been a bit unsettled for quite a period with regular rain showers but the rain has brought the river up and it is now dropping back nicely. The lower river levels have not stopped some fish running and triggering off reasonable catches, however the increased flows should have helped even further. We have had some unsettled conditions in recent times with rain raising the river but that has now settled which hopefully will continue to give more optimism plus a reasonable summer run has entered the river over recent weeks. The night time temperatures have dropped as well cooling the river and triggering off more aggression in the resident fish resulting in improving catches. The weather hopefully will remain reasonable to give a greater chance of producing improving sport and good fish.
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are departing, the Ospreys have already gone for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks.
Recent days have seen the first Geese arriving. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Currently the river has dropped back after rain recently and settling with improving conditions ( around 2’4 on the Ballathie gauge) to hopefully encourage more salmon to run.
The weather has been again unsettled over parts of last week with rain but there is a much better forecast for this coming week with some rain forecast which hopefully will not upset the river too much. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain in recent weeks but the river has steadily dropped back to just above summer levels again. This current week continues to look a bit unsettled with some rain forecast at times. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal autumn fishing conditions. The water temperature is now cooling to 54 degrees Fahrenheit or 12.5 degrees Celsius at the start of this week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions with colder nights. This is good news making the resident salmon more aggressive and more likely to take. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fish anywhere in the river.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Salmon. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110’s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines should make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
Tackle recommendations for fishing the Tay throughout the season.
Fly Rods.
The Tay is a large river especially when running at a normal level and even in lower levels you are fishing another river within the mighty one so therefore a 15 foot fly rod for a 10 weight line is certainly minimum requirement for much of the season. Do not come under gunned. In some parts of the river where it is especially wide even longer rods are used. It should be noted however that it is better to cast a shorter controlled line than try to cast out with your capabilities and have the lines end up in a mess and decrease your chances.
Fly Lines.
In early season when the water is cold you need to cast larger flies and get them deeper in the water to fish them slowly. There is a tremendous choice on the market nowadays which can be quite confusing to many anglers. Any type of Skagit line that can easily cast a 15 foot sinking leader of various depths is a good choice especially to the less experienced. Iflights and a tip of choice attached are another good bet as these lines enable you to cast a longer line than normal with ease. For more experienced anglers, there are a vast array of shooting heads of different sinking abilities available as well. These tactics can be used in late season as well when the water starts to cool down.
Once the water temperature starts to climb by April then tactics change to mainly floating lines and sink tips with much smaller conventional flies. Again, the choice of lines is incredible from longer belly Spey lines to shooting heads. If you go to shooting heads, then it is important to choose a good shooting backing as line management can be a big issue casting longer lines on a river such as the Tay.
Spinning Rods.
You should have a minimum of a 10 foot rod for casting baits of 20gm to 60gms.
A main line of 20 pounds in nylon or 30 pounds in braid. You should use a lesser poundage far a cast such as 15 pounds so if you get caught up on the bottom you do not lose a large part of your main line.
Tobies from 18gm upwards. Toby Salmos are very popular in 30gms. Conventional weighted Devon’s are good especially in the Spring. Rapalas and Vision 110’s are very effective and of course Kynochs are popular for harling.
What flies should I take?
In early season bigger flies such as Tube Flies, Temple Dogs and Monkey type flies up to 2 inches in body length and larger conventional patterns in 4’s and 6’s in lower water are required. A point of note is that a lighter Tube such as an aluminium or plastic body is far easier to cast than brass. Current line technology enables you to get these lighter flies to the correct depths. Ask your ghillie for tip advice on the day.
As river temperatures rise to a more conventional approach then a size range in your box should be from 6 in higher water to 12 in lower water and even smaller on exceptionally low conditions. Cascade type patterns seem to be the most popular and recently feeler flies have come to the fore. It is always worth a go with a Sun Ray type fly with a long wing whether casting normally in colder conditions to stripping it fast in warmer water.
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2017 Season is that
• All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
• All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
• No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
• Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Salmon fishing report w/e 9th September 2017.
Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Salmon fishing report w/e 9th September 2017.
Salmon fishing on the Tay in Perthshire is in early September with changeable summer conditions for fishing in warm weather and reasonable water levels from rain at times plus catches are steady with autumn arriving. The temperatures should start to drop soon with expectation and optimism still high on the river with summer slowly disappearing and autumn arriving to give everyone a chance of landing a good Tay salmon.
On the nature front as autumn arrives and the leaves start to turn the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are in the skies, Ospreys are being seen but shall soon depart for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 9th September)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 5, Waulkmill 7, Lower Redgorton 1, Fishponds 1, Benchil 1, Upper Scone 2, Pitlochrie 1, Stobhall 5, Taymount 15, Ballathie 6, Cargill 7, Islamouth 10, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 4, Kercock 2, Murthly 1 1, Glendelvine 1, Newtyle 1, Dalmarnock 3, Dalguise 1, Lower Kinnaird 3, Edradynate AA 1, Findynate 1, Upper Aberuthven 1, Portnacraig Pitlochry 1.
Total: 81 Largest: Islamouth & Upper Aberuthven 25lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 1, Lower Redgorton 1, Taymount 1, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 1, Delvine Burnbane 1.
Total: 5 Largest: Waulkmill & Taymount & Meikleour and Upper Islamouth & Delvine Burnbane 3lbs
July was the rivers best month so far and August was steady with more salmon landed in warmer weather and river conditions have improved as the weeks have gone with plenty of fresh water. Settling river levels after rain recently should hopefully continue to improve catches over the next few weeks with autumn now underway. The lack of rain had dropped the river to summer levels however salmon are still running due to the Tay’s sheer size as you fish another river within it. Recent rain has helped to spice things up. It was a consistent week with a good few fish landed and the biggest one recorded was 25 pounds from Islamouth with a fish of the same size also being reported on the Earn at Aberuthven. Spring is now a distant memory for 2017 and Summer has disappeared as we move into Autumn. Some of the fish that have been caught are memorable as typical Tay specimens due to their size and depth with only a few grilse caught so far. Hopefully there will be a lot more of them to come in the last month of the season.
This past week again saw fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats with a spread in catches. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing sport and the rise in water levels in recent times may just have spiced things up by encouraging salmon into the river however the catches do not reflect that. The very lower part of the river is producing consistent catches with Almondmouth, Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton all catching in the week but in disappointing numbers for the time of year. The beats further up are not fairing any better as everyone hopes for some form of autumn run. Stobhall and Taymount have done better with 20 fish in the week. Ballathie and Cargill continue to work away with 13 fish.

Cargill saw a few fish landed in the week up to 18 pounds with
Paul Finan catching on the fly and the ladies got into the act as well with Diana Finan and Maggie Marshall both having success. Islamouth had another consistent week with 10 including a 25 pounds monster. Further upstream Meikleour and Upper Islamouth amassed 4 up to 18 pounds with Martin Miller being successful in the Writer party from the March pool.
The middle river continues to be extremely disappointing with rising river temperatures over recent weeks and more water not producing good sport however there have been odd exceptions. Odd fish came from Kercock, Murthly, Glendelvine, Newtyle, Dalmarnock and Dalguise. Mike Massie caught an 11 pounds fish from the Steps on the fly from Newtyle.
There was also a good 18 pounds fish caught on Dalmarnock by Robert Edmund. A further 3 fish came from Kinnaird with Phil Walker catching a good fish on the fly on Friday making it a lean week.
The upper river was seeing steady sport with fish recently caught and reported last week at Edradynate and Findynate.
The Tummel was continuing to see sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club and there is now nearly 4000 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally. A fish was reported from the club water caught by Stephen Dunstan on the fly weighing 11 pounds.
The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht however again no fish are being reported.
The Earn has seen a run of salmon and sea trout progress up the river with a good few fish caught in the system over recent weeks but by beats that do not report however there was a 25 pounds fish recorded at Upper Aberuthven.
The current week has got off to a much better start with over 50 fish recorded already up to an impressive 24 pounds.
Mark Casswell caught the big fish on a red devon.
The Salmon fishing season had a quiet start but has started to show signs of picking up with improving catches and some outstanding fish landed so far so let us hope the season lives up to everyone’s expectations over the coming weeks and months. Tight lines!
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
Salmon fishing on the Tay in Perthshire is in early September with changeable summer conditions for fishing in warm weather and reasonable water levels from rain at times plus catches are steady with autumn arriving. The temperatures should start to drop soon with expectation and optimism still high on the river with summer slowly disappearing and autumn arriving to give everyone a chance of landing a good Tay salmon.
On the nature front as autumn arrives and the leaves start to turn the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are in the skies, Ospreys are being seen but shall soon depart for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Beat catches reported
(week ending 9th September)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 5, Waulkmill 7, Lower Redgorton 1, Fishponds 1, Benchil 1, Upper Scone 2, Pitlochrie 1, Stobhall 5, Taymount 15, Ballathie 6, Cargill 7, Islamouth 10, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 4, Kercock 2, Murthly 1 1, Glendelvine 1, Newtyle 1, Dalmarnock 3, Dalguise 1, Lower Kinnaird 3, Edradynate AA 1, Findynate 1, Upper Aberuthven 1, Portnacraig Pitlochry 1.
Total: 81 Largest: Islamouth & Upper Aberuthven 25lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 1, Lower Redgorton 1, Taymount 1, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 1, Delvine Burnbane 1.
Total: 5 Largest: Waulkmill & Taymount & Meikleour and Upper Islamouth & Delvine Burnbane 3lbs
July was the rivers best month so far and August was steady with more salmon landed in warmer weather and river conditions have improved as the weeks have gone with plenty of fresh water. Settling river levels after rain recently should hopefully continue to improve catches over the next few weeks with autumn now underway. The lack of rain had dropped the river to summer levels however salmon are still running due to the Tay’s sheer size as you fish another river within it. Recent rain has helped to spice things up. It was a consistent week with a good few fish landed and the biggest one recorded was 25 pounds from Islamouth with a fish of the same size also being reported on the Earn at Aberuthven. Spring is now a distant memory for 2017 and Summer has disappeared as we move into Autumn. Some of the fish that have been caught are memorable as typical Tay specimens due to their size and depth with only a few grilse caught so far. Hopefully there will be a lot more of them to come in the last month of the season.
This past week again saw fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats with a spread in catches. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing sport and the rise in water levels in recent times may just have spiced things up by encouraging salmon into the river however the catches do not reflect that. The very lower part of the river is producing consistent catches with Almondmouth, Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton all catching in the week but in disappointing numbers for the time of year. The beats further up are not fairing any better as everyone hopes for some form of autumn run. Stobhall and Taymount have done better with 20 fish in the week. Ballathie and Cargill continue to work away with 13 fish.

Cargill saw a few fish landed in the week up to 18 pounds with
Paul Finan catching on the fly and the ladies got into the act as well with Diana Finan and Maggie Marshall both having success. Islamouth had another consistent week with 10 including a 25 pounds monster. Further upstream Meikleour and Upper Islamouth amassed 4 up to 18 pounds with Martin Miller being successful in the Writer party from the March pool.
The middle river continues to be extremely disappointing with rising river temperatures over recent weeks and more water not producing good sport however there have been odd exceptions. Odd fish came from Kercock, Murthly, Glendelvine, Newtyle, Dalmarnock and Dalguise. Mike Massie caught an 11 pounds fish from the Steps on the fly from Newtyle.
There was also a good 18 pounds fish caught on Dalmarnock by Robert Edmund. A further 3 fish came from Kinnaird with Phil Walker catching a good fish on the fly on Friday making it a lean week.
The upper river was seeing steady sport with fish recently caught and reported last week at Edradynate and Findynate.
The Tummel was continuing to see sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club and there is now nearly 4000 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally. A fish was reported from the club water caught by Stephen Dunstan on the fly weighing 11 pounds.
The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht however again no fish are being reported.
The Earn has seen a run of salmon and sea trout progress up the river with a good few fish caught in the system over recent weeks but by beats that do not report however there was a 25 pounds fish recorded at Upper Aberuthven.
The current week has got off to a much better start with over 50 fish recorded already up to an impressive 24 pounds.
Mark Casswell caught the big fish on a red devon.
The Salmon fishing season had a quiet start but has started to show signs of picking up with improving catches and some outstanding fish landed so far so let us hope the season lives up to everyone’s expectations over the coming weeks and months. Tight lines!
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Salmon Fishing Scotland Prospects for Tay, Perthshire w/c 11th September 2017.
Salmon Fishing Scotland Prospects for Tay, Perthshire w/c 11th September 2017.
The Salmon fishing season is now in Autumn on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland as we enter September and we have been encountering some heavy rain at times resulting in fresh water in the river. The river has been a bit unsettled for quite a period with regular rain showers but the rain has brought the river up and it is now dropping back nicely. The lower river levels have not stopped some fish running and triggering off reasonable catches, however the increased flows should have helped even further. We have had some unsettled conditions in recent times with rain raising the river but that has now settled which hopefully will continue to give more optimism plus a reasonable summer run has entered the river over recent weeks. The weather hopefully will remain reasonable to give a greater chance of producing some sport and some summer "Bars of Silver".
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are in the skies, Ospreys are being seen but shall soon depart for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Currently the river is dropping back after rain recently and settling with improving conditions ( around 2’6 on the Ballathie gauge) to hopefully encourage more salmon to run.
The weather has been again unsettled over the latter part of last week with rain but there is a much better forecast for this coming week with some rain forecast which hopefully will not upset the river too much. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain in recent weeks but the river has steadily dropped back to just above summer levels again. This current week continues to look more unsettled with some rain forecast at times. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal summer fishing conditions. The water temperature is now cooling slightly to below 58 degrees Fahrenheit or 14.5 degrees Celsius last week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. The temperature has risen encouraging more salmon to run resulting in fish being caught well up the system. The temperature in recent days will encourage salmon to run throughout the system as earlier resulting in fish being caught well up the system depending on water levels. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fresh fish anywhere in the river.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Salmon. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110’s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines should make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
Tackle recommendations for fishing the Tay throughout the season.
Fly Rods.
The Tay is a large river especially when running at a normal level and even in lower levels you are fishing another river within the mighty one so therefore a 15 foot fly rod for a 10 weight line is certainly minimum requirement for much of the season. Do not come under gunned. In some parts of the river where it is especially wide even longer rods are used. It should be noted however that it is better to cast a shorter controlled line than try to cast out with your capabilities and have the lines end up in a mess and decrease your chances.
Fly Lines.
In early season when the water is cold you need to cast larger flies and get them deeper in the water to fish them slowly. There is a tremendous choice on the market nowadays which can be quite confusing to many anglers. Any type of Skagit line that can easily cast a 15 foot sinking leader of various depths is a good choice especially to the less experienced. Iflights and a tip of choice attached are another good bet as these lines enable you to cast a longer line than normal with ease. For more experienced anglers, there are a vast array of shooting heads of different sinking abilities available as well. These tactics can be used in late season as well when the water starts to cool down.
Once the water temperature starts to climb by April then tactics change to mainly floating lines and sink tips with much smaller conventional flies. Again, the choice of lines is incredible from longer belly Spey lines to shooting heads. If you go to shooting heads, then it is important to choose a good shooting backing as line management can be a big issue casting longer lines on a river such as the Tay.
Spinning Rods.
You should have a minimum of a 10 foot rod for casting baits of 20gm to 60gms.
A main line of 20 pounds in nylon or 30 pounds in braid. You should use a lesser poundage far a cast such as 15 pounds so if you get caught up on the bottom you do not lose a large part of your main line.
Tobies from 18gm upwards. Toby Salmos are very popular in 30gms. Conventional weighted Devon’s are good especially in the Spring. Rapalas and Vision 110’s are very effective and of course Kynochs are popular for harling.
What flies should I take?
In early season bigger flies such as Tube Flies, Temple Dogs and Monkey type flies up to 2 inches in body length and larger conventional patterns in 4’s and 6’s in lower water are required. A point of note is that a lighter Tube such as an aluminium or plastic body is far easier to cast than brass. Current line technology enables you to get these lighter flies to the correct depths. Ask your ghillie for tip advice on the day.
As river temperatures rise to a more conventional approach then a size range in your box should be from 6 in higher water to 12 in lower water and even smaller on exceptionally low conditions. Cascade type patterns seem to be the most popular and recently feeler flies have come to the fore. It is always worth a go with a Sun Ray type fly with a long wing whether casting normally in colder conditions to stripping it fast in warmer water.
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2017 Season is that
• All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
• All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
• No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
• Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
The Salmon fishing season is now in Autumn on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland as we enter September and we have been encountering some heavy rain at times resulting in fresh water in the river. The river has been a bit unsettled for quite a period with regular rain showers but the rain has brought the river up and it is now dropping back nicely. The lower river levels have not stopped some fish running and triggering off reasonable catches, however the increased flows should have helped even further. We have had some unsettled conditions in recent times with rain raising the river but that has now settled which hopefully will continue to give more optimism plus a reasonable summer run has entered the river over recent weeks. The weather hopefully will remain reasonable to give a greater chance of producing some sport and some summer "Bars of Silver".
On the nature front as autumn arrives the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are in the skies, Ospreys are being seen but shall soon depart for warmer climes, Ducks have their broods of young growing up steadily and Kingfishers dart past on the river banks. Odd wild flowers are still in bloom, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay where a salmon is now a bonus.
Currently the river is dropping back after rain recently and settling with improving conditions ( around 2’6 on the Ballathie gauge) to hopefully encourage more salmon to run.
The weather has been again unsettled over the latter part of last week with rain but there is a much better forecast for this coming week with some rain forecast which hopefully will not upset the river too much. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain in recent weeks but the river has steadily dropped back to just above summer levels again. This current week continues to look more unsettled with some rain forecast at times. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal summer fishing conditions. The water temperature is now cooling slightly to below 58 degrees Fahrenheit or 14.5 degrees Celsius last week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. The temperature has risen encouraging more salmon to run resulting in fish being caught well up the system. The temperature in recent days will encourage salmon to run throughout the system as earlier resulting in fish being caught well up the system depending on water levels. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fresh fish anywhere in the river.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Salmon. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110’s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines should make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
Tackle recommendations for fishing the Tay throughout the season.
Fly Rods.
The Tay is a large river especially when running at a normal level and even in lower levels you are fishing another river within the mighty one so therefore a 15 foot fly rod for a 10 weight line is certainly minimum requirement for much of the season. Do not come under gunned. In some parts of the river where it is especially wide even longer rods are used. It should be noted however that it is better to cast a shorter controlled line than try to cast out with your capabilities and have the lines end up in a mess and decrease your chances.
Fly Lines.
In early season when the water is cold you need to cast larger flies and get them deeper in the water to fish them slowly. There is a tremendous choice on the market nowadays which can be quite confusing to many anglers. Any type of Skagit line that can easily cast a 15 foot sinking leader of various depths is a good choice especially to the less experienced. Iflights and a tip of choice attached are another good bet as these lines enable you to cast a longer line than normal with ease. For more experienced anglers, there are a vast array of shooting heads of different sinking abilities available as well. These tactics can be used in late season as well when the water starts to cool down.
Once the water temperature starts to climb by April then tactics change to mainly floating lines and sink tips with much smaller conventional flies. Again, the choice of lines is incredible from longer belly Spey lines to shooting heads. If you go to shooting heads, then it is important to choose a good shooting backing as line management can be a big issue casting longer lines on a river such as the Tay.
Spinning Rods.
You should have a minimum of a 10 foot rod for casting baits of 20gm to 60gms.
A main line of 20 pounds in nylon or 30 pounds in braid. You should use a lesser poundage far a cast such as 15 pounds so if you get caught up on the bottom you do not lose a large part of your main line.
Tobies from 18gm upwards. Toby Salmos are very popular in 30gms. Conventional weighted Devon’s are good especially in the Spring. Rapalas and Vision 110’s are very effective and of course Kynochs are popular for harling.
What flies should I take?
In early season bigger flies such as Tube Flies, Temple Dogs and Monkey type flies up to 2 inches in body length and larger conventional patterns in 4’s and 6’s in lower water are required. A point of note is that a lighter Tube such as an aluminium or plastic body is far easier to cast than brass. Current line technology enables you to get these lighter flies to the correct depths. Ask your ghillie for tip advice on the day.
As river temperatures rise to a more conventional approach then a size range in your box should be from 6 in higher water to 12 in lower water and even smaller on exceptionally low conditions. Cascade type patterns seem to be the most popular and recently feeler flies have come to the fore. It is always worth a go with a Sun Ray type fly with a long wing whether casting normally in colder conditions to stripping it fast in warmer water.
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2017 Season is that
• All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
• All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
• No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
• Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White
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