The river Tay in Perthshire Scotland had a reasonable catch last week in settled conditions that were more like summer with very low water but is looking for a far stronger run. Currently there has been a run of autumn salmon and grilse over the last few weeks on the river but there is a higher expectation of further improvement in the weeks to come with more fish running hopefully. The weather has been and is to remain settled this week but could do with a big spate to trigger off further improvements. The catches have been disappointing and tough to achieve recently but more water would give hope and renewed optimism for the coming weeks assuming more fish enter the system. Most beats are reporting reasonable numbers of fish in residence but catching them is proving difficult.
This past week saw the water level drop to summer levels with sport maintained throughout the beats. The fishing can be supreme and the scenery is not bad either. The Ospreys have now gone back to Africa but you could see an Otter or a Kingfisher darting past while you are in mid cast! It is true what they say, “ a salmon is a bonus!” That has certainly been the case this year!
Beat catches reported
(week ending 27th September)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 31, Waulkmill 5, Lower Redgorton 26, Luncarty 3, Upper Redgorton 7, Fishponds 1, Benchil 4, Upper Scone 2, Pitlochrie 2, Stobhall 9, Taymount 20, Ballathie 12, Cargill 15, Islamouth 7, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 2, Kercock 6, Murthly 2 2, Newtyle 3, Dunkeld House 2, Dalguise 3, Lower Kinnaird 6, Ruan Ruarie 1.
Total: 169 Largest: Stobhall & Taymount & Ballathie & Lower Kinnaird 20lbs
SEA TROUT: Lower Redgorton 5, Fishponds 3, Taymount 1.
Total: 9 Largest: Lower Redgorton & Taymount 3lbs
Lower Tay.
The autumn fishing is hard on the lower river with limited fish running the river at moment. Sea Trout have been an added bonus this summer but a strengthening autumn run is hoped for in weeks to come. The lower beats below Stanley caught fish this past week and Almondmouths catches were reasonable but unpredictable and this was reflected on the river in general. This beat is seen as a barometer for the river as it is the first beat at the head of the tide therefore improving catches there would hearten everyone and mean more fish are at last entering the river. They had fish all week and finished with 31, which is extremely disappointing for the time of year.

George Portis with a good fish off the Stormont Angling Club water.
The Stormont angling club water is also producing a similar catch but this is not registered. Waulkmill caught fish on most days but in disappointing numbers for the time of year. Lower Redgorton had a much better week with some excellent days reporting some fresh fish caught. Luncarty and Fishponds had odd fish. On Upper Redgorton a Swiss party caught fish on most days, the biggest was 18 pounds on red Devon at Cadgers by Andy Soland. Iain Montgomary got an 8lb fish in the Craigs on the fly. At Stanley Alistair Sheach’s party caught 6 in the week from Benchil and Pitlochrie.
Rebecca Annan caught her first ever salmon on a Toby and unfortunately lost one on the fly. Alistair Sheach caught 3 in the week including a 12 pounds fish on the fly from the Long Shot on Benchil and a 12 pounds fish on a Toby from Luck Now on the Pitlochrie beat. On Stobhall Donald Normans party had a tough but enjoyable week landing fish up to 20 pounds. Meanwhile Taymount enjoyed good success during the week with fish landed up to 20 pounds as well.

Dave Ashmore caught the 20 pounds fish from the Aldren Stream. Ballathie and Cargill had reasonable weeks under the circumstances.

“Cargill started off a lot like it ended the previous week with low water and warm water but we managed a couple on the fly which was encouraging as the fish have not been taking the fly. 5 for the first three days for Ian Hamilton and guest with Mike Howells keeping up his 100% record on Cargill with a 12 pounder from the Pot Shot. The rest of the week saw Steve Curnow have two on Thursday and lose two and Donald Bell have a nice 12 pounder from Clocksden.

Friday was a non-event, but Saturday saw 7 crackers landed with 6 lost, Donald Bell again had fun in the boat when we hooked and landed two fish at the same time. Rain is required but most anglers are still enjoying the experience.” Islamouth landed 7 for their week on fly.

Upper Islamouth and Meikleour reported “despite the low water we did manage some fish for the week. Special congratulations go to a member of the Allin party who landed their first salmon on Saturday and this after only one hour’s tuition with the fly rod! Plenty fish throughout the beat now.”
Middle Tay.
The catches further upstream have difficult and not easy to achieve due to dropping water levels.

Kercock had 6 for the week with Margaret Hennigan, Steve Gamlen, Mark Torrence and George Hunter catching fish up to 15 pounds mostly on fly and Murthly 2 had 2. Newtyle caught 3. Dunkeld house reported one fish and fish were also landed at the Kinnaird beats. Dalguise got back on the score sheet with 3 in the week for the Larkin party. Dicon Jordan caught 2 fishing early in the week up to 13 pounds then Steve Larkin caught an 11 pounds fish on a flying C from the Bridge pool on Friday.
Upper Tay.
This area has been quiet again and needs more rain.
It has been a very quiet week on the Tummel again with odd catches but fish have been running through Pitlochry Dam with the count just over 4250. Dave Wilson caught a small grilse at Ruan Ruarie and reported seeing a good few fish in the stretch.
Isla & Ericht.
Salmon have been running the Isla and Ericht in recent weeks but more water would improve matters. Nothing was reported last week.
Nothing was reported last week.
The 2014 salmon season in Scotland, Europe and Iceland has not been one to remember so far. Atlantic salmon stocks are relatively low so the importance of Catch and Release is vital to continue our enjoyment of this superb sport for the future. Currently on the Tay the majority of anglers with odd exceptions are achieving this. We had a superb spring run and catch last season, which may just be down to the majority of anglers returning salmon over the past seasons. This year catches have fallen dramatically so emphasizing the importance of catch and release is absolutely crucial. Retaining hen salmon is a strict no no and any angler doing so should not be allowed on our rivers.
Tim Greenfield being presented with the August award for a 23 pounds fish caught on the fly from Islamouth.
The Tay Ghillies Association have seized the initiative and launched a FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter.
• Catch a good Tay Salmon
• Weigh it carefully and photograph it with as little handling as possible.
• Verify with Ghillie
• Safely return the fish with a minimum of handling
• TGA Committee decision is final
Send entries with a photo and verification details to:-
Mike Hay, Sec of Tay Ghillies Assoc.
Mobile: 07762 464407
Thank you to all anglers who have returned their spring salmon to maintain our sport for the future, but this should be extended to the summer and autumn now as catches have dropped to new lows, it is vitally important and is a great contribution by individuals who care for their sport and the river. Well done!
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.
Fishing Salmon River, Salmon River, Fishing for Salmon, salmon Fishing Alaska, Fishing Alaska, Fly Fishing Salmon, Fly Fishing, Salmon Fishing Report, Trout Fishing, King Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Forum, Salmon Fishing Scotland, Salmon Fishing Holidays Scotland, River Tay Scotland, Scottish Salmon, Salmon Rivers Scotland, Fishing Tackle Scotland, Salmon Fishing Flies, Fly Fishing Flies.