Salmon Fishing Scotland Quality Salar Salmon Fly Selection Christmas Gift 2008.

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Salar Salmon Fly Selection (10 Flies).
This is a Christmas special and the post and packing is FREE. The flies are sold in multiples of Ten. When you commit to buy simply contact the sellar and CHOOSE WHICH FLIES and WHAT SIZE YOU WANT. The flies are top quality and tied on salar hooks. The picture shows a Crewsader, a Cascader, a Hutchies Variant, a Bob's Black Shrimp, a Bob's Orange Shrimp, a Goldie, a Raider and a Carron Shrimp. The Salar doubles come in sizes 5, 7, 9 and 11's and the two shrimp patters come in Trebles in sizes 8, 10, & 12's. There are also 4 small tube flies. The Raider, Crewsader and Goldie are 3/4 inch and the Carron Shrimp is 1/2 inch. These modern flies have been designed by a Scottish Ghillie on the river Tay and have been very successful over the last couple of seasons. Six patterns have Jungle cock in the design making then doublie attractive to the Atlantic Salmon. The two Bob shrimp patterns are a combination of a Scottish shrimp and the Icelandic francis pattern. These flies have the X factor!
The flies in the picture top row left to right-Raider Tube, Cascader, Raider, Bobs Orange Shrimp.
Second row left to right-Goldie Tube, Goldie and Bobs Black shrimp.
Bottom row left to right-Crewsader Tube, Crewsader, Hutchies Shrimp and Carron Shrimp.
Bottom left corner is a Carron Shrimp Tube.