Picture of Benchil beat on the river Tay
Benchil and Pitlochrie Fishings-May to October
Lower Tay at Stanley
Five year average: 181 salmon/grilse
and 25 sea trout
2 miles of double bank fishing
2 huts with wc
Price range: £35 - £200 per rod/day
Benchil and Pitlochrie are amongst the most attractive beats on the Tay and are fished together on an alternative day basis from Monday 2nd July until the end of the season in October. During the period of Monday 30th April until Saturday 30th June both beats are fished from the Stanley bank only six days a week dependant on beat preference to the angler. The beats extend to some 2 miles of superb double bank fishing except during the period mentioned above.
During the summer months (30th April to 9th July) the beats are fished from the bank by summer permits without the assistance of ghillies and boats unless requested. The cost of a permit during this period is £225.00 and should be applied for through the beat contact, however, individual days will be available as well.
Also during the period of 7th May until 16th June a sea trout only permit is available at a cost of £50.00 subject to fly fishing only with the maximum of an 11'3 trout rod - again on application to the beat contact.
Benchil is fished on both banks on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Pitlochrie is fished on both banks on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from Monday 2nd July.
The beats are situated about six miles from the top reaches of tidal water. Benchil fishes well in low water and Pitlochrie suits higher water. The fishing comes with two ghillies and 2 two boats on each beat. The owners are anglers and support the Tay District Salmon Fisheries Board Conservation measures and consequently would encourage all tenants to follow these guidelines.
Benchil is situated just below the village of Stanley and is one of the most picturesque beats on the River Tay. It is about five miles above the tidal reaches and offers many different types of pools to fish especially for fly. This beat can fish well in low water conditions during the summer and early autumns for grilse and larger summer salmon. It is also an ideal beat for sea trout fishing during May and June.
Benchil offers an excellent opportunity for fly fishing in lower water especially in the attractive pools of the Long Shot, Little Shot and Lundie. The beat fishes six rods, has three boats and a fishing hut looking down the long shot. It has 10 named pools, including Skellies, Aitken Head, Plain Water, Ship Linn, Long Shot, Tail of Shot, Ewelundie, White Craigs, Little Shot and Todholes.
Pitlochrie is situated in the village of Stanley up and down from the former Stanley Mills. This beat is very versatile in that it fishes well at different heights of water. There are good low water pools such as the Corner Pool, the Dyke and the Woodside and Horsey fishes well in higher water once the autumn rain arrives.
The beat has nine named pools including the world famous Pitlochrie Pool and others including, Dyke side, Kirkie Stream, The Wash House, Cawnpore, Minister, Woodside, Horsey and the Tar Tank.
This beat offers good bank fishing in all heights of water for fly fishing and spinning. It is also excellent for harling from the two boats provided. It fishes six rods and has a hut situated overlooking the Washhouse.
George Stewart: one of the River Tay's real characters with over 40 years experience of these beats.
Bob White: has over 20 years experience in angling for Atlantic salmon and has extensive fly fishing knowledge. He can offer tuition in overhead and Spey casting techniques.
Tackle can be supplied Ð contact beat for further details.
Check availability.